Hmm thanks on uesp ( where i read this ) it must only do snipits of it. This is much longer and more detailed thank you. I will see if i need any more ingrediants for my mod

So where is the most lore on summoning ghosts?
EDIT: This does not say what ingrediants are needed to resurrect? I know the process i am just confused on what ingrediants necromancers use to make skeletons?
From what I gather in this book, here is what you need to reanimate dead bodies:
Skeletons: leather straps or spikes for the joints, bones that can complete the functioning parts of the body, and some magic. They can be ressurected again, but they're weaker than before (unless the damaged parts are replaced)
NOTE: inexperienced practitioners sometimes makes the straps too loose or too tight, but can be readjusted, or they drive the spikes too hard, and it causes the skeleton to have limited mobility
Zombies: All you need is a dead body, with its flesh still intact. Zombies don't really need anything added to them, unless it's missing some limbs. They, however, can be improved upon by making modifications. In MW, they drive spikes into the bonewalkers. This book makes the suggestion to turn zombies into mummies by drying/preserving it, then wrapping it with some treated bandages. Makes the zombie much more independent, and stronger. Organs don't need to be removed.
NOTE: Mummification is a long process, and is really only done by necromancers who are not lazy or on the run.
In general: The intelligence of the person does have an effect on the reanimated body's intelligence. Won't be as great as yours, but it will be able to carry out more complex tasks independently. Beasts, on the other hand, make for guards are best, or a strange pet. They also have the problem of turning on their master.
As for summoning ghosts, there isn't much. Again, I'd say ghosts only really work with conjuration, because you are actually summoning a spirit from the Dreamsleeve. Necromancy is more about preparing and reanimating a dead body, the empty shell a soul resides in during life. But, necromancers have the use of Black Soul Gems, in order to prevent mortal souls from leaving Nirn to the Dreamsleeve. They probably have some technique of taking souls in soul gems, and summoning that soul to do the necromancer's bidding. Again, not much lore on this. Most necromancers seem to be more involved with the dead remains of a thing than its spirit.
And lastly, UESP is a HORRID source for lore. Great for gameplay though.