When you end Oblivion, I believe it is still frowned upon among the mages of the guild even though they decided to re legalize it among the mages ( but more for a let us keep our enemies close kind of thing).
This is by no means all just a few more that I could find but in all the games there have been books so there are bound to be more that have been overlooked and/or forgotten.
They relate to necromancy, but are not about necromancy. That's the problem.
Arkay the enemy is propaganda, nothing about necromancy
Blasphemous revenants is about how the dunmer view necromancy and the undead, nothing about how it is practiced
Mannimarco, king of worms is a poem about the Mannimarco, most likely biased against him
N'gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! is actually an advertisemant for a restaurant. It's nothing but rubbish
Necromancers moon is battle plans, nothing about the art
The black arts on trial mentions nothing about how it is really practiced, other than you soul becomes corrupted, and it's from someone that has an obvious bias against it.
Tome of Unlife, well, no one can really read that, so it's of not help
The path of transendence is just about a necromancer trying to become a lich, and most likely someone who is completely insane. To note, I find the need to sacrifice innocents to be nothing more than hogwash, as Aesliip was able to lichify himself in complete isolation, and he wasn't a bad guy. Hell, he pretty much saved the Skaal, despite casing him out.
Like I said, On the Preparation of the Corpse is the only insight of the art, other than raising the dead.