Necromancy as a skill

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:55 pm

As a skill I'd say maybe, but I'd much rather have conjuration be expanded to include more necromancer stuff. Like actually raising the bodies of your enemies to fight for you and stuff like that!
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:48 pm

This thread reminds me that I'm going to miss Dunmer paranoia. I mean, the list of who they don't persecute seems much smaller than the list of who they do...Kind of keeps you on your toes. :P
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 pm

No matter what, I feel it is as different from conjuration as alchemy is different from conjuration, and should be treated as such, even if TES lore dont cover it like they should, other fictional books do and they are where alot of the ideas come from originally anyway.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:54 pm

I don't know that it should be a separate skill. There are assassins, they have their own organizations, but there is no "assassination" skill, it's more of a character archetype. Necromancers should focus on conjuration (undead should be animated rather than summoned, however), mysticism (soul trap, detect life, etc.), and the non-elemental side of destruction magic.
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john palmer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 pm

I don't know that it should be a separate skill. There are assassins, they have their own organizations, but there is no "assassination" skill, it's more of a character archetype. Necromancers should focus on conjuration (undead should be animated rather than summoned, however), mysticism (soul trap, detect life, etc.), and the non-elemental side of destruction magic.

While I can't imagine necromancy as a separate skill the whole no assassination skill thing was bs usually forcing anyone who chose stealth over balls to the wall hack n slash to enter an arena in which they are essentially useless.
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k a t e
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 pm

I'd love to see necromancy in the game, but I wouldn't make it a skill. It is something you do with a combination of other skills. In the same way stealing isn't a skill, but you use stealth and security to steal things.
I would like to see a few spells added, into w.e disciplines of magic they belong to: conjuration, mysticism, restoration etc. And I'd like to see some guild you can join, and also some misc necromancer quests.

Also all necromancers in the game shouldn't hate you. Some should practice in secret, like in their basemants. And others should be shadowy ppl who you can track down and employ their services. And of course some/many should be trying to kill you and entomb you into their undead armies.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 am

You just answered your own question my friend, that is just it, soul manipulation, by killing the host and forcing the soul back into it you can then control it and its powers or those it retains from life.
I don't want to sound snippy, but I don't think I asked something.

No need to add another skill, we already have conjuration but maybe when we reach a certain level we can decide which path we could take, an option for necromancy and normal-legal conjuration that has just as many benifits.
Necromancy is more like Enchant + Mysticism. Conjuration should return to being the skill Daedric, and only apply to daedra. I think we've all agreed that it is a joke how people summon zombies from Oblivion, or summon bears to help with the same skill as summoning Clannfears.

No matter what, I feel it is as different from conjuration as alchemy is different from conjuration, and should be treated as such, even if TES lore dont cover it like they should, other fictional books do and they are where alot of the ideas come from originally anyway.
True, they need to clean up their magic classes. Mysticism is the spell trashcan, with one of everything in there. The soul spells need to be split between Necromancy and Thaumaturgy, the telekinesis spell needs to be combined with some of Alteration to make the skill Dynamism.

I don't know that it should be a separate skill. There are assassins, they have their own organizations, but there is no "assassination" skill, it's more of a character archetype. Necromancers should focus on conjuration (undead should be animated rather than summoned, however), mysticism (soul trap, detect life, etc.), and the non-elemental side of destruction magic.
I'm hoping there is only an elemental side of destruction magic, and they play it up with the effects. Conjuration needs to get a divorce from Necromancy, it's a complete joke the way it is. It's a gameplay mechnism, not lore. We need a lore solid and relevant application of necromancy, not this slop they're shoving at us like we're going to accept it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:14 pm

Necromancy is kind of a mixture of Mysticism, etc. So i dont know how it'd fare as a skill of its own.

but i would like to see what they'll do with maybe giving the player an option to join a "Necromancer's Guild", which would open up a whole new side-questline. it would be awesome to see what could be done with that.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:58 pm

just add necromancy spells to mysticism that require trapped souls to work.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:48 am

How could necromancy fit in as a skill in skyrim.

They already have it. Its called Conjuration bro.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:46 am

They already have it. Its called Conjuration bro.

Try reading, I don't know, even a SLIGHT BIT of the thread before posting.

Conjuration isn't even like necromancy at all because it doesn't provide permanent minions, nor are they "solid", in that they are entirely of this world. If you "kill" a necromantic minion, it will fall over. If you "kill" a conjured minion, it returns to where ever it came from.

Not to mention that they have NEVER described what realm the summoned undead come from, or whether they're even actual undead.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:18 pm

They already have it. Its called Conjuration bro.

Necromancy is not just summoning. It also refers to the reanimation of a corpse already in the game world, and the minipulation of the deceased's spirit, which would fall under mysticism like soul trap.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am

Necromancy should not be a separate skill. There could however be more necromancer specific spells and effects within different schools.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:13 pm

I voted No only because I don't think it would make sense as a skill. I do however want to see necromancy as a character type. It would combine restoration magic with mysticism and other's but basically it would add up to being a full blown necromancer with the ability to make and upgrade dead things that will defend you or whatever.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:45 am


You should only be able to summon ghosts, wraiths, ect. Non-corporeal beings. You should have to use dead bodies to actually make skeletons, zombies and the corporeal undead. Thats how I would think Necromancy should differ from Conjuration if they added a Necro. skill.

But you see thats the thing, conjuration already allows use to summon zombies and wraths and different things like that. I think maybe removing conjuration and putting necromancy in its place. II would like to see summoning and mass de-buffing with this. Also mind control and what not. :bowdown:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:05 am

I think this thread should be retitled "the lore chopping block"
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:16 am

Precisely, and than when you raise the dead, they should be permanently raised until their death.


until their REDEATH

yes a "black book" of spells and skills should be available for necromancers and they can have several lesser minions with them (skeleton archer, warriors, zombies) and at least one abomination which they can assemble in a lab out of body parts, the abomination can have many powers depending on the process, ritual, and parts used in the procedure.

also necromancers have bone magic (bone spears, barbs, bone shells...etc), in addition to poison spells and death spells like drain life, sleep, mind control, and reanimate the dead (fallen enemies for a short time).

trust me necromancy is NOT a small part of conjuring magic, its a school in its own right.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:23 pm

I really do hope they do add Necromancy.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:08 am

I think this thread should be retitled "the lore chopping block"

Its no different than them magically removing medium armor from oblivion. :shrug:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:56 am

Well, it kinda is.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:51 am

Necromancy should be allowed - maybe as a 'skill imporvement' that is active once you complete a series of requirements?

for instance, Conjuration has to be a Major. No, not only be of rank 75, so as to allow billions of power-gamers to place it as Minor to get a +5 whatever and qualify for the darker power. Make requirements meaningful.

You must have read the occult volume X of some forbidden book and bring the discussion to some specific Mage / Scholar. Etc... Perhaps... Man, I'm tired. Good night.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:16 am

I would be happy with just a conjuration skill, if the skeletons and zombies came crawling out of the ground, or walls if I was in a cave. It would give a better feeling, than when they just come out nowhere.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:34 am

Something I was waiting for for ages, but I would go with something akin to death magic instead of simply summoning - Conjuration is more about the leaving things or creating something out of thin air, a skill that deals with death, and includes the spells that both give and take it would be awesome. Spells like "guardian" - that resurrects you with some amount of health if you die when under it's protection, reanimating minions, and not just zombie, a talking fluting skull as an assistant, for example would be fun :) Some elaborate curse like spells for your enemies, and "touch of death" spells that have a chance to instantly kill the target.
Most likely I'll have to wait for a mod, or make one m self, but if it was an official skill it would be awesome.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm

Necromancy should not be a separate skill. There could however be more necromancer specific spells and effects within different schools.

I completely agree with this. I don't think Necromancy should be a skill, but there should be Necromancy spells that you can learn that are from the different schools of magic. Primarily, the schools of Restoration, Mysticism, and Illusion.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 pm

There's no need for it. You can already raise numerous undead creatures with Conjuration. Unless they split the skill and add more spells there's really no point.

No, you summon undead creatures. You didn't make them yourself.

I always thought of mysticism and necromancy being in the same school of magic, only that necromancy involves methods that are considered taboo for most cultures.
Soultrap takes the spiritual energy and traps it in a soulgem, it's just that a necromancer can do more with souls than just enchant items with it.

Possible spells except reanimation could be: extracting information out of a soul, ripping a soul from a still living body (advanced form of soultrap), transforming health into magica...
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