We need Acrobatics (and maybe Athletics) back.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:49 am

so u want to jump on roof in a game where the biggest baddest mfs fly is your cats name treat as in here a kitty treat 4 u mr alduin maybe next 1 sure but here no think about fing game
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:01 am

so u want to jump on roof in a game where the biggest baddest mfs fly is your cats name treat as in here a kitty treat 4 u mr alduin maybe next 1 sure but here no think about fing game

I don't know what you just said but it sounds epic rofl.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:06 pm

To fix the levelling problem, why not simply make acrobatics perks on the stealth tree? e.g three perks to increase jump height and length, and another perk for silent jumping. Also make these 'long jumps' require a run up and a lot of stamina to keep them balanced. that way a stealthy khajiit assassin can jump from roof to roof to his hearts content. You could do a similar thing for athletics (run faster) perks added to the light armour tree. Also give most NPCs in the game secondary ranged weapons (magic or bow) so the player finds it harder to exploit acrobatics/athletics. Although on saying that, if we were taking things out based on the idea that they can be exploited then the elder scrolls series would not exist.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:12 pm

There are already hundreds of people complaining how crafting and speechcraft ruined their game, because of powerleveling, now imagine the same thing, leveling up while getting ANYWHERE and fighting much harder enemies just because you can jump higher.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:31 pm

There are already hundreds of people complaining how crafting and speechcraft ruined their game, because of powerleveling, now imagine the same thing, leveling up while getting ANYWHERE and fighting much harder enemies just because you can jump higher.

Yeah, well if they hadn't introduced this stupid levelling system (Skyrims) in the first place we wouldn't have that problem would we.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:18 am

There are already hundreds of people complaining how crafting and speechcraft ruined their game, because of powerleveling, now imagine the same thing, leveling up while getting ANYWHERE and fighting much harder enemies just because you can jump higher.

Once again I'll say it.... Make acrobatics perks added to the stealth tree, rather than a skill in and of it's self - same thing with athletics perks added to the light armour tree.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:45 pm

Minor thing for those who are on PC:

SetGS fJumpHeightMin XX

Where XX is a value between 0 and pretty-much infinity. I would not suggest more than 500 as even that will cause you to take some Fall Damage if the ground is a bit lower where you land :(

I think this is something they could definitely have as a background skill-- the more you jump, the better you get, but without it actually being tied to Skills/Levelling. Back in Oblivion, I loved my Vampires having super-jumps since it really added to that feeling of being superhuman.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:37 pm

There are already hundreds of people complaining how crafting and speechcraft ruined their game, because of powerleveling, now imagine the same thing, leveling up while getting ANYWHERE and fighting much harder enemies just because you can jump higher.

So add in restrictions in how they level up. Merge acrobatics into athletics so that there aren't two noncombat skills to worry about leveling up, and then make it so it only gains experience from either executing a power jump, which could be used by holding down space before releasing, or sprinting. Add hand-to-hand and unarmored perks into that skill tree and suddenly you make the monk (which is as much a staple archtype to an RPG as warrior, mage, and thief) a viable playstyle again.

so u want to jump on roof in a game where the biggest baddest mfs fly is your cats name treat as in here a kitty treat 4 u mr alduin maybe next 1 sure but here no think about fing game

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:51 pm

Just to comment on you edit, The AI has barley changed from morrowind. all the problems with the AI in past games are still present. so why would you think if they added more features that magically the AI will adjust.

I'm not sure why you think the developers have no control over this. The AI has improved. I notice a big difference between Oblivion and Skyrim. That's beside the point. The point is, to implement acrobatics, the developers would have to adapt the AI as well so that player's can't turn it into an exploit. Where is the confusion?

Adapting the AI is the small issue, in any case. The big issue is adapting the portaling system so that players can climb over city walls, through windows, etc., seamlessly without loading. Once they manage that, the animations and AI are relatively no big deal.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:46 am

Yeah, well if they hadn't introduced this stupid levelling system (Skyrims) in the first place we wouldn't have that problem would we.

Yeah, remember Morrowind or Oblivion where you picked acrobatics as a major skill to play, you know, an acrobat totally did not broke the game at all...
Or how athletics and acrobatics was not the skill that always maxed out the first time no matter the character you played.

Me neither.

So add in restrictions in how they level up. Merge acrobatics into athletics so that there aren't two noncombat skills to worry about leveling up, and then make it so it only gains experience from either executing a power jump, which could be used by holding down space before releasing, or sprinting. Add hand-to-hand and unarmored perks into that skill tree and suddenly you make the monk (which is as much a staple archtype to an RPG as warrior, mage, and thief) a viable playstyle again.

Except people don't tend to sprint and jump higher when they're only playing thief/acrobat/whatever.

So should I just svck it up and walk everywhere because if I would sprint to somewhere, so I would get there faster, I would train my athletics?
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:59 am

How can having the choice to do something be bad?
If you dont want to level Acrobatics or the like then dont, just play normally.

Personally not having Athletics and Acrobatics (physicle traits) makes choosing to actually Run everywhere less appealing, sure ill find a ton of stuff and battle this and that, but if im just wanting to RUUUN from point A to B whats the point now? the only reason in SKyrim is for Role Play and emersion, at least for me.

Still shocked there isnt a Physical Perk tree, you know for things like Strength, Speed, Dexterity and the like, which could have been used as a suppliment tree which stacks with the others

Either way, how can more options in a single player game be a bad thing?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:43 pm

Just have a bug-free Daggerfall character creation with racial =/=s actually working in Skyrim graphs and everybody will love it.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:00 pm

No we don't need those.

I already gain levels I'm not ready to gain because I absolutely cannot ignore a lock (that's on me, and I'm not complaining about it because I choose to pop those locks and bump my skill). If they had Acrobatics or Athletics in this game, I'd be level 80 by now but the rest of my skills would still be at 15 or 20 with maybe one or two at 40. I run and jump everywhere.

So, no, we definitely do NOT need Acrobatics (or Athletics).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:59 am

I always thought it was stupid that you could advance athletics just by traveling on foot, and acrobatics just by jumping around all over the place. I understand that both would be essential to a thief or assassin. If those skills only ticked while being chased or under attack it would have made better since.

Also, it would be nice if we could actually do actrobatics, like flips, special evasive leaps and such by double-tapping a directional button. Give us acrobatic techniques we can assign to those buttons. Most basic would be a shove that we could use if enemies get too close that would have a 75% chance of causing those in our direct path to stagger. It would consume half of our stamina so it could be used only twice in rapid succession.

Also, I'd like to see training in these skills involve more than just a menu option. Imagine training athletics by running a specific path before a timer runs out. Acrobatics by equipping moves the trainer tells you and then performing them in rapid succession as he calls them out.

Backflip! Forward Roll. Left Side Roll! Jump! And when you reach over 50 in the skill, you spar with the trainer having to pay attention to his moves to determine which evasive you need to perform.

Also, Climbing needs to be added again. How high your skill is should determine how many degrees of slant you can navigate. 1 would be 1.8 degrees. 100 would be 180 degrees. Yes, that's like crawling on a ceiling. It would need Climbing Gear equipped.

A master at stealth and climbing could crawl on the underside of a bridge packed with guards and not draw attention.

I'm all for the return of all these skills to The Elder Scrolls. As long as they are applied in a practical way and cannot just be freebie advancements.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:35 am

They should make it a racial ability for the cats.

I was going to say something similar.

Khajiits as a race should be able to jump better than other races. Just like Argonians can breath underwater.

Additionally they could add a perk somewhere to allow expertise in jumping and falling (ie less fall damage). Maybe light armor.

But it would makes sense that Khajiits should be able to jump higher and take less fall damage than other races - they always land on their feet right?
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:31 pm

/signed, fully agree with you mate.

Don't worry about people against this just for the sake to be against! It's fashion this days...lool. Waiste of time any debate with them.

Yes, because everyone who disagrees or has their own opinion is INSTANTLY wrong and CLEARLY a moron for now instantly agreeing with your obviously superior reasoning and-

Freaking Christ on a Pogostick, how can you people SEE with such a severe case of cranial-rectal-reversal disorder?! I'm almost impressed!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:50 pm

Its realistic to be able to have 3-4sec of hang time off a flat jump and to hop skip and jump to a roof where NO ENEMY can follow you is realistic to you? . ... just stop lol

Are you actually arguing realism in Skyrim, hopefully i wont need to make you a list.

Its about being fun, not realistic.

If you really crave realism delete your save files as you are already dead.

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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:50 pm

Yeah, remember Morrowind or Oblivion where you picked acrobatics as a major skill to play, you know, an acrobat totally did not broke the game at all...
Or how athletics and acrobatics was not the skill that always maxed out the first time no matter the character you played.

Me neither.

I had multiple characters in Morrowind and Oblivion where acrobatics never even got to 50 by the time I had leveled all my major and minor skills to 100. Something being potentially overpowered can't "break" a single player game. If you think it makes the game too easy, then don't use it because nobody is forcing you to.

Except people don't tend to sprint and jump higher when they're only playing thief/acrobat/whatever.

So should I just svck it up and walk everywhere because if I would sprint to somewhere, so I would get there faster, I would train my athletics?

Then make the first perk in the skill tree increase run and sprint speed by 5% and allow sprint to generate XP for the skill. Then you could sprint all you wanted and if you didn't have the perk, you wouldn't level the skill up. The power jump would be optional, as well.

Not having options for players who want them inhibits the game. Having options that some players don't want to use doesn't, because they don't have to use them.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:40 pm

I don't know about the skills themselves being brought back, but there should definitely be a way to improve your speed (and, no, wearing Light Armor doesn't count) and jump height. Something that could be achieved by bringing attributes back.

EDIT: To all of the people saying that Acrobatics had the potential to be overpowered, look at Enchanting or Smithing in Skyrim. There's going to be "overpowered" things in games. Deal with it, and don't limit other people just because you can't handle potential overpoweredness.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:53 pm

Still the only argument I read against it is.

Lvling is too fast.

If the people complaining about that had actually read the thread they would have seen in how many ways this problem could be approached and solved.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:08 pm

No. Thank Talos for those grinding skills removed. If you cannot reach anything, use a horse. Those buggers can reach everywhere, regardless the angle.

What the difference? The new smithing system is nothing more then a worse grinding skill. I have enough stuff right now to level myself atleast 25 times over.

Off topic: They made a huge mistake making smithing a skill. Bethesda should have left it just as crafting. I see too many grinders on here already that maxed smithing before anything else. Just to get the major overpowered armor. I do not like comparing TES to an MMO, but I knew this would happen before release. Bethesda should have limited each level of smithing to having to make harder and more complex items as you leveled the skill. Which is how they do it in games like the MMO Aion, so people can't just stand at a crafting table and level 50 times over.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:57 pm

Agree with OP.

I had hoped that there would be some representation of Acrobatics/Athletics in Skyrim. I like the sprint mechanic, and the fact that stamina seems more important now, but the idea that all characters have exactly the same base speed and jump height, regardless of race or experience, is a step backward IMO.

And let's be honest - "accidentally" levelling those skills was harder than people make it out to be. Even when I chose Athletics as a major skill, I don't think I *ever* got it above 75 in Oblivion. With Acrobatics, I never got it to 100. If anything, those skills should have been a little easier to advance. So I can't understand those who hated the "grind" of those skills (implying that they levelled too slowly) saying that they're glad the skills are removed altogether. If you hated levelling the skill, don't bother with it. If you wanted it to become *easier* to level, why would you be glad that it's gone in Skyrim?

Logic, please!
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:33 am

1- It's sad to see how lot of people reply rudely or with easy ironic replies to a post that it's elaborated, explained and it's not a flame/rage/whine.

2- It's more sad to see that maybe TES:VI gets crafted for all the new people that doesn't properly play (no ofense here) a sandbox RPG like this one, because of all the rage and complaints written on these boards.

3- For those saying that it was easy to level with those skills ingame, and overpower, and that it was boring to just jump for 2-3 hours: The same could happen here with Speech. You could sell 350 arrows one by one. It's your decision to either just play, or to go around jumping all the time (or sit there pressing the Space key) for your own benefit (therefore losing any right to complain). In my opinion, this game lacks one feature: skill LOCK. So for instance if I don't want Speech with a warrior that I defined dumb as a rock, I simply lock it.

4- I agree that the game should NOT auto-increase Atheltics and Acrobatics, ending with a char jumping and running like Neo on Matrix (that's an overpower that may NOT be intended). I'm OK with that. But the solution is not the removal of the skills, neither bash anyone mentioning them back in game. A solution for me is: Make all the benefits from those skills available through Perks. You want to invest in them? OK. You don't? You get a character that behaves the same as it does now. Also, the skills could have special keys for their use, so a normal jump would not trigger the "Acrobatics" skills, but it would a "special jump" (that at first would be the same as the normal one). Same for Athletics.

So, with this being said, I could play my warrior normally, without using any special run or jump option, and I would play my Assassin using those special jumps and runs to slowly powerup my character, while playing.

5- Be careful with using console commands. I've read somewhere that they disable Steam Achievements, but I don't know if it's true or not.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:12 pm

I like to fly. I like to jump high. But we can do neither of those since Oblivion. Necessary? No. But damn if it isn't fun.

Athletics, though, was a completely pointless skill, and the way it was tied with stamina drain/regeneration was horrible. Sprinting is much better.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:49 pm

I want them back too. With unarmed skills. They were also part of my playing style. Though I think they could reduce the requirements to level them up, because it was a real pain in the ass to do so in Oblivion. But it was quite rewarding. ^^
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