We need Acrobatics (and maybe Athletics) back.

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:39 pm

Its realistic to be able to have 3-4sec of hang time off a flat jump and to hop skip and jump to a roof where NO ENEMY can follow you is realistic to you? . ... just stop lol

Everyone must, I repeat, must be able to uniformly jump no higher than a small fence...anything more is just stretching the realism too far.

Now when it comes to the walking on the water, the screeching people to death, shooting the lightning bolts from finger tips, raising the dead, becoming a wearwolf, becoming invisible.... ALL acceptable. But the high jumping is too far, I say!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:58 pm

Not having options for players who want them inhibits the game. Having options that some players don't want to use doesn't, because they don't have to use them.

It's not a choice, if you always choose it.

There's no way somebody won't sprint or jump in their game, so they can focus on other skills. The whole "don't use it" argument don't work, because you have to use it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:16 am

No we don't need those.

I already gain levels I'm not ready to gain because I absolutely cannot ignore a lock (that's on me, and I'm not complaining about it because I choose to pop those locks and bump my skill). If they had Acrobatics or Athletics in this game, I'd be level 80 by now but the rest of my skills would still be at 15 or 20 with maybe one or two at 40. I run and jump everywhere.

So, no, we definitely do NOT need Acrobatics (or Athletics).

way to math, if all your skill start out around 10 or 15, you would have 9 levels from the proposed 100 acro skill, and 3 levels each from the two at 40, =level 15, not even close to 80

But mainly I think the point people are missing is the transition from being forced to level smartly and the more lax system in place now, you don't need to power level an acro skill because it won't effect your speed like in past games, unless they added a perk which you only need to get once instead of every level having to concentrate on getting it.

Best ideas in the thread so far IMO: Racial ability for Khajit and/or merging it with the stealth tree/creating a physicality tree
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:03 pm

Since I first heard that Skyrim would be released in November, I'd been planning my character: a lithe agile Khajiit thief with high Acrobatics and Athletics; I would train her in parkour. Sigh ...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:14 am

I was saying this before the game was even released. I've given up on them having the integrity to restore their games to the glory they once were.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:53 pm

It's not a choice, if you always choose it.

There's no way somebody won't sprint or jump in their game, so they can focus on other skills. The whole "don't use it" argument don't work, because you have to use it.

Did you even read my post? Have the first perk in the proposed athletics tree provide the ability to gain experience using sprint. Without that perk, sprinting would not generate experience.

Normal jumping via pressing space would do the same. No experience would be generated unless you held down space to do a power jump, and you wouldn't need to use the power jump because all of the terrain in this game was designed to be traveled without even needing to use regular jumps. You could even take it a step further and make it so that the power jump was a later perk and that the first perk was the ONLY way to unlock your ability to gain experience in this skill. Without the perk, you wouldn't gain any experience in it ever, and you'd never have to worry about it interfering with your oh-so-precious efficient leveling.

Happy now?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:51 pm

I don't want it as in oblivion but sure... a bit more ''moving skills'' would be great!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:48 pm


More options > less options.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:11 pm

I definitely want a Climbing skill. I miss it from Daggerfall. However I don't miss and never liked Acrobatics/Athletics. They leveled you which to me was [censored] and they were very other-worldly. As IGN writers put it 'moon-hopping'.

I don't miss them and don't want them back. I am definitely hoping though that some clever scripter makes a nice Thief mod for Skyrim. Rope arrows, climbing, improved humanoid AI. That would be swell.

I absolutely agree that climbing is sorely missing from Skyrim. It seemed to add a whole new dimension to Daggerfall and with technology now, it would be way better. I loved loved loved how far and high you could jump in Daggerfall. I too would climb houses and run away from guards or sneak in places. Combined with climbing it was great. I do not think however that the jumping part was critical, nor having Athletics and Acrobatics as skills you can level. Even climbing doesn't need to be a skill, you just need to be able to do it.

Now, I think we can reach a compromise. Build in the movement physics that Assassins Creed has (running, jumping, and climbing) - add in a rope arrow/grappling hook (ala Thief or Tenchu) and you have yourself quite a game.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 am

I don't think we need those back.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:23 pm

While I do miss the jump height, adding in acrobatics would be entirely meaningless.

I like the "second story thief" concept. The rooftop to rooftop traveler. The thing is, none of this is useful in Skyrim. Too few buildings, if any have meaningful second story access (maybe the village general store) to justify an acrobatics or even a climbing skill.

Without the terrain or design acrobatics simply becomes a useless skill players would accidentally level from. With the current leveling system this could hurt players due to scaling.

Also, each major skill group has 6 skills each. Adding in Acrobatics forces the need for two new skills to maintain symmetry among the major skill types. Athletics was mentioned, but once again, its difficult to define a skill tree around just going faster. Also, once again, accidental leveling.

Personally, I would have loved to see the addition of unarmed combat and mysticism as skills. Unarmed just because its nearly viable with the way the damage is calculated now (have a buddy that indeed punched a dragon to death, since the perk causes heavy armour to be highly effective, and crazy smithed daedric gauntlets have a stupid high armour rating). And Mysticism as there are some cool spells they could of added (mark/recall for indoor areas, short range teleports, etc.)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:22 am

I don't think we need those back.

Skills themselves, no.
What they did, yes.

Climbing needs to be in, but not as a skill.
Better jumping needs to be in, but not as a skill.
Rolling and Active Dodging needs to be in, but not as a skill (yes I know this is part of Stealth perk now partially).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:15 am

How about instead of skills making Jumping Height and Running Speed attributes alongside of Health, Magicka, and Stamina?

But jumping height has to be taken into consideration with level design: so not till the next game unfortunately.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:19 am

It's not a choice, if you always choose it.

There's no way somebody won't sprint or jump in their game, so they can focus on other skills. The whole "don't use it" argument don't work, because you have to use it.

You are forced to sprint about as much as you are forced to stealth in the game. As in you are never really forced, but it would be logical to do it in a lot of places. Which is the same thing you can say for a lot of skills. So this argument of your has no merit whatsoever.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:03 pm

As in previous games I am playing a Khajit Assassin.
In the last 2 games at a high lvl I could jump from roof to roof in the night, hiding there, taking out targets and be off in the night again.
When guards were after me I was able to jump over fences, outrun them and quickly vanish somewhere where they couldn't reach or find me.

Skyrim has completely destroyed my playstile.
I do like the Assassination animations, allthough I can't seem to get any for sleeping targets or when they are sitting, which i find very odd.
Since when is it easier to slit ones throat while he is moving, than sitting still or even sleeping.
However the jumping abilities are just crippled in Skyrim. I can jump higher and further in real life than my well trained Khajit Assassin.
If I ever manage to get on any roof, I just keep sliding down from it. Ok ok the roofs aren't as flat as in morrowind, so what?
I haven't got a flat roof on my own house and can walk on it easily without sliding down.
Also I can ride up nearly every mountain on my horse. When I am on foot however even a 45 degree angle nearly kills me.
Assassins are supposed to be quick, lightfooted, and hard to catch.
Not getting that feeling at all in Skyrim.. :(

I know that probably there wont be anything to change this in Skyrim.
But please consider an Acrobatics Skill tree in your next game.
Give us running, jumping and climbing and the game will get a lot more depth.

Yea----es. Really miss this.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:15 pm

I for one want athletics back. It did give more options to assassins/thieves/vampires etc and I see no harm in it. It could simply put as a perk in a larger tree which controlled running speed and stamina regeneration. It could also be made easily so that, because of the obvious fact it should level relatively quickly, level increases take longer within the skill and that they have less of an effect on overall experience points leading to an actual level up.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:33 pm

Skills themselves, no.
What they did, yes.

Climbing needs to be in, but not as a skill.
Better jumping needs to be in, but not as a skill.
Rolling and Active Dodging needs to be in, but not as a skill (yes I know this is part of Stealth perk now partially).

As long as rolling is never put into combat.. rolling in combat is stupid. A better option would simply be an ability to cause a side/back/forward-step by jumping in a direction while in combat; whereby you take a step around the opponent, or 'lunge' forward/backwards rather than jumping. These are basic skills in pretty much all combat arts and is much more useful that rolling. It'd also give you situational defence against both horizontal and vertical attacks.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:41 am

While I do miss the jump height, adding in acrobatics would be entirely meaningless.

I like the "second story thief" concept. The rooftop to rooftop traveler. The thing is, none of this is useful in Skyrim. Too few buildings, if any have meaningful second story access (maybe the village general store) to justify an acrobatics or even a climbing skill.

I agree that the game isn't designed with it in mind, and because of it there wouldn't be as many uses, and that's a shame. It doesn't mean it would be entirely meaningless, though. Morrowind didn't exactly design the world around acrobatics. Some few areas were, and some were designed around levitation, but by and large the world was as accessable to someone with 5 acrobatics and no magic as it was to a vampire with 150 acrobatics and a levitation power.

Without the terrain or design acrobatics simply becomes a useless skill players would accidentally level from. With the current leveling system this could hurt players due to scaling.

I've made two posts in this thread earlier proposing how to remedy that problem, wherein the first perk in the tree would provide a small bonus (5% faster run speed, for example) and also allow jumping and sprinting to give XP towards athletics (to be merged with acrobatics). Without the perk, no XP is gained, and thus no accidental leveling. Would this system be ok, in your opinion?

Also, each major skill group has 6 skills each. Adding in Acrobatics forces the need for two new skills to maintain symmetry among the major skill types. Athletics was mentioned, but once again, its difficult to define a skill tree around just going faster. Also, once again, accidental leveling.

Why do they need to maintain symmetry? There's no reason whatsoever for the 3 skill categories to have the same number of skills associated with them, but for the sake of argument: Athletics could be merged with acrobatics and hand-to-hand could be added into that, as well, making the tree much more than just "going faster". For the combat and magic skill trees, you could have spear and - as you suggested - mysticism.

As long as rolling is never put into combat.. rolling in combat is stupid. A better option would simply be an ability to cause a side/back/forward-step by jumping in a direction while in combat; whereby you take a step around the opponent, or 'lunge' forward/backwards rather than jumping. These are basic skills in pretty much all combat arts and is much more useful that rolling. It'd also give you situational defence against both horizontal and vertical attacks.

I support this. I'd like to see Oblivion's dodge make a return, but with a different animation. They've done it before, why not again?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:38 pm

Did you even read my post? Have the first perk in the proposed athletics tree provide the ability to gain experience using sprint. Without that perk, sprinting would not generate experience.

Normal jumping via pressing space would do the same. No experience would be generated unless you held down space to do a power jump, and you wouldn't need to use the power jump because all of the terrain in this game was designed to be traveled without even needing to use regular jumps. You could even take it a step further and make it so that the power jump was a later perk and that the first perk was the ONLY way to unlock your ability to gain experience in this skill. Without the perk, you wouldn't gain any experience in it ever, and you'd never have to worry about it interfering with your oh-so-precious efficient leveling.

Happy now?

What if you want faster movement, yet you don't want it as a main skill, in other words, you don't want to max it out?

At most it would work as a multi-level perk in another skill, like light armor.

You are forced to sprint about as much as you are forced to stealth in the game. As in you are never really forced, but it would be logical to do it in a lot of places. Which is the same thing you can say for a lot of skills. So this argument of your has no merit whatsoever.

So because I don't want to wait out until I slowly walk or jog to the next town, I should be forced to train athletics?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:43 am

They should make it a racial ability for the cats.

I agree with this. Khajiit should clearly jump the highest and move the fastest. Then Argonians, then Bosmer. Everyone else can stay the same. But those three should be more athletic and jumpy.

And to Bukee.....uh duh, if you RUN from city to city you WOULD become very athletic. Running is training, no one is forcing you to run.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:12 pm

Those skills shouldn't have been removed.

Climbing should've made a return as well. There have been so many occasions where i've tried to deviate slightly from the set path when climbing a mountain, only to get the invisible wall effect on a steep slope. A climbing skill would be perfect in situations like that. Instead, i've found myself having to increase my jump height slightly in console just so I can hop my way up such slopes.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:36 am

Everytime I realize that I do not have to jump from town to town I thank the Nine that Acrobatics is gone.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:24 pm

What if you want faster movement, yet you don't want it as a main skill, in other words, you don't want to max it out?

At most it would work as a multi-level perk in another skill, like light armor.

So because I don't want to wait out until I slowly walk or jog to the next town, I should be forced to train athletics?

So because I want money I should be forced to train speachcraft?

And besides the jog speed is pretty damn fast, or hell buy a horse.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:47 pm

I'd like to see them all being replaced with a body development skill, that holds perks related to swimming, running, and jumping. You'll get a steady increase in skill throughout the game weather you want it or not, but the result of that skill is governed by how much you put into stamina.

You can be a professional marathon runner, but if you're sick and have no stamina, you won't be able to perform. Makes sense to me.

The regular stamina output to sprinting is reduced, but can be brought up again by spending points on running perks. One set for long distance running and one set for speed running. It's a passive perk, meaning you only have to sprint to activate it. Long distance running depletes stamina just as sprinting does now, whereas fast running makes you run faster at the cost of depleting stamina much quicker.

For jumping, it would be different. To activate skill based jumping, you either combine it with sprinting to get long jumps, or "double space taps" to activate high jumping. Another perk here would be "air control" which lets you control your character in mid air (change direction, stop etc). Jumping would need to change AI behavior so that they hide if you become unreachable, instead of being dumb as sitting ducks. Probably hard to change at this point.

Swimming could also be much better, taking buoyancy into account. With no perks assigned, being too heavy might sink you if you're too heavy. To stay afloat you have to direct the force upward. To more obvious other perks are speed (in water) and breath amount.

Yet still, I don't want any of this to become as ridiculous as in Oblivion where your speed became silly and way too high. Similar with acrobatics whose perks now are found in the armor perks (reduced fall damage), Oblivion made the skill look silly.

As for climbing, yes thanks, but I have no idea how to implement anything in relation to that without possibly breaking certain features of the game. I think for climbing to occur, the game would have to be redesigned significantly to allow it back.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:05 am

Athletics and Acrobatics skills can go svck it and rot in Oblivion for all I care, unwanted levels is unwanted levels.

Doesn't mean they can't exist in the game in other ways.

Someone earlier in this thread suggested it but of course people ignored the point so I'll repeat it: Insert Athletics/Acrobatics into the perk tree system, either as specific nodes or its own tree (I'd think it would work better in nodes).
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