The last job I had was doing technical support for a company called Clearwire and I got laid off because they were down sizing and got rid of all the new hires! All this company does is hire and fire I soon to find out from every person I know who worked there or has heard of them! I haven't had a full time job for almost 5 months! I have applied everywhere I can for entry level tech jobs or jobs that don't require that much experience. Most of the jobs here want people with 2+ years experience or even 5+ and its not easy being out of college trying to get into the tech field WITH NO EXPERIENCE. And on top of it I live in a city which has service industry economy with very little tech jobs and an unemployment rate of 15%+, so I'm probably competing with thousands of other people for position that only needs 1-10 people and of course the guy with the experience always gets the [censored] job! These jobs in which they want experience I am very capable of learning and probably would have no problem doing! Then these stupid interviewers don't want to hire you because you have unemployment gaps and they have no idea what its like to be unemployed! Of course people are going to have unemployment gaps in this economy especially in a [censored] state with 15%+ unemployment rate for the past 2-3 years! I mean WTF do these people want only be out of work for a month and have 5+ years experience. I mean they don't even give people chances who are trying to get their foot in the door in this field! Then there's hardly any entry level jobs for tech grads in my state. Then some of these places don't even interview they have these stupid [censored] tests. I mean WTF I'm incapable of doing a job because a stupid 5-10+ question bull [censored] test which have stupid scenarios and want you to rate the best or worse response but all the responses look good and are all similar. Some of these test are setup for you to fail and probably some idiot with a lucky guess gets these job! Then on top of it, all the [censored] entry level tech jobs are in [censored] India and China because these stupid [censored] companies like to outsource because they're ran by unpatriotic cheapskates. Sorry folks now I'm just ranting in frustration... It [censored] svcks high school teachers and colleges put this idea in your head go to college get a degree you'll have a bright career then you're in debt because of student loans because no [censored] jobs! The only jobs I've been able to get are these stupid 1-5 day temp jobs which give me no experience what-so-ever!
Anybody work in the information technology field with any advice on how to get your foot in the door? Or where to look for entry level tech jobs? Any advice on what to put on you're resume in relation to information technology? How do you get into this field! Anybody know what I'm doing wrong and why I'm not getting any interviews and the interviews I go to they don't hire me? I mean I do the right things during interview I wear a very classy suit and tie, I'm well groomed, half the time I look better than the person who is interviewing me. I do all the right things they tell you to do in an interview look the person in the eye, lean forward because its implies active listening. I'm always on time and I'm usually 10-20 minutes early. I know I give a good first impression as I can tell by body language but I always get turned down because they hire another candidate who has more experience!
What am I doing wrong I mean it almost feels I wasted my time going to school and taking all these courses! All it has gotten me a job at a hire and fire company and stupid [censored] 1-5 day temp jobs which a monkey could do!
I'm sorry If half my post was ranting and raving but really anybody have any advice I mean I am more than capable to work in this field! I mean it just feels I wasted my time and money going to college studying everything I could so I could get a good paying job and it hasn't really gotten me anywhere.