I appreciate your input, Malek, and you quoting my entire post was very nice, since the part I said about the giants might have been missed otherwise. However, despite AA mentioning he wasn't thinking about animals, my suggestions might still be worthy of consideration. I mean, rather than a big floating eyeball everyone has seen a million times in as many different games, how about a were-cat? Wouldn't it be nice if folks focused a little more on using their imaginations and encouraging others rather than attempting to shut people down for maybe suggesting something outside the lines. I'm sure that if AA were bothered by my suggestion of mammals, he would have reminded me of that stipulation himself.
I may have come off as rude with no additional input aside from direct quotes to shape my context and I will apologize to whatever degree it is deserved. However, when a person asks for ideas or requests with a specific criteria (i.e. non-animals), doesn't it seem a bit rude itself to make suggestions that go against them? Pretentious even, that claiming something someone has stated not being interested in currently doing might change their mind for your suggestion in the precise thread? Regardless, I agree that we should indeed attempt to bring focus to more imaginative creatures and ideas as that is the sort of thing this forum is made for.
Which leads me to a new suggestion, I remember finding these drawings and thinking it would be worth exploring for Bloodmoon mods, though I imagine making even one creature takes great time so even if you were to just choose one I would be more than content. The http://xerxan.deviantart.com/art/The-Rantinox-76970256?q=gallery%3Axerxan%2F2418260&qo=7 and the http://xerxan.deviantart.com/art/the-Bro-torg-91981813?q=gallery%3Axerxan%2F2418260&qo=3. Ultimately it is up to you on what you decide to make and there are http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s1600/ALOT.png of very good ideas buzzing around this thread already, in the end, I am just excited that you are making something new at all.