I agree make the chance really low cause in reality lightning strikes the tallest thing in an area which I know you can't emulate in this mod but you could kind of simulate that element of lightning striking taller things instead of you by making the percentage of getting struck real low.
To correct this a bit, lightning takes the path of least resistance, which will usually be the tallest object in an area, however, if the only object within the lightnings path that is taller than you is of a very high resistance, such as a brick building, or even a dead tree(note, green living trees have roughly the same resistance as human flesh, while dry/dead wood has a much higher resistance) then you might actually be the easiest, or least resistant path for the lightning to take. The static electricity in the air at all times acts almost exactly like that of a battery capacitor, it can charge and "store" an immense amount of energy, but the full charge of energy is released instantly(which is why there are warnings on the backs of televisions/various other electrical equipment/appliances about removing their panels).
Little known fact, most lightning actually originates from the ground and strikes towards the clouds, and nearly all of the remaining lightning occurs between clouds(due to high moisture friction which produces the negatively charged static during rainfall).
P.S. did I mention I'm a nerd.......and tend to ramble.....