Activate the Steed Stone... Gives you 100 extra carrying capacity. It's found to the far north on top of a mountain. Oh and increasing your Stamina increases your carrying capacity I think.
I'll have to find that, it would certainly be helpful. I think it's really crappy how we are now restricted to what pieces we can enchant with what. If I want to use all my slots so I can carry 1500 pounds then I should be able to do it. I can see damage mulitpliers or other game unbalancing things, but inability to carry my loot is just annoying. Oblivion you could keep adding to your strength attribute and get nice increases.
Yes stamina increases give you a whopping 5 carry weight increase, and stamina is kind of a rip off if you waste points increasing it compared to health and even magicka. No feather spells either. Why? How is it hurting the game to have that? I can see removal of a few things that they did, but making lots of loot and not being able to carry it is pretty lame.