I noticed alot of players out there having problems and look like so many objects and corpes are pilling up. If this keep going and going, it will make the savegame really huge. So i been making potions and do not sell them since i dont buy/trade from venders or even hang out in public places. My character is wandering around on her own and making it little more difficult and enjoying it too. Every potions i made is either drank or shot off with poison arrows and some melee attacks. Second part is having bodies or corpes pilling up in some areas and mostly in caves or hideouts, ever once in awhile more and more keep coming, but the old bodies still remain.
What we need is somethat that will consume the corpses or have less time to decay, would like to see a body transform into zombie like within few days then skeleton within a week. I have been removing all the gears and stash it somewhere in chests and hopefully it will vanish. Some corpes have been zombified then ash with nothing on it, but the glowing pile of ashes still remain there.
Cant wait for mods to increases the realism of gameplay, cant carry all the golds you want, cant run forever and got to sleep and eat once in awhile, doesnt matter what you are.