Need a console cure for mole rat disease

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:42 pm

So I'm one of the very unlucky ones who finally realized this mole rat disease was permanent. I knew I had it but the icon on my pip boy shows a timer next to it so I figure ok fine it's just time based. Being an absolute perfectionist on my main game, 30 hours of gameplay and 34 levels later I notice this mole rat disease is STILL stuck on my pip boy status. Enter the Internet and I find out its permanent.

My game is now ruined and I totally just want to start over but I just can't so I haven't played in a few days because being a perfect play through I can't handle that disease status anymore.

I know it's -10 hp only but that's not the point, I wanted a perfect character and there's a timer next to the disease so why is it permanent! Please Bethesda, PC users can just console it away with a single line, let us PS4 users have some way to remove this ridiculous mole rat disease that gave us NO warning it is permanent.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:08 pm

If you listened to the dialogue between the doctors they say there's only one cure. That being said why would you think it wouldn't be permanent when thy literally say "only one cure" and given the fact you only get 1 sample of the cure that should have been enough to tell you if you somehow missed that earlier. If you let yourself get bit then too bad. I understand your a perfectionist but I don't see any solution coming to us console users sorry to say
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