Need experienced Mesh editor to help me.

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:05 pm

Hello everyone. I am to the part in my mod, where the player must use a giant robotic suit of armor to attack a place. I want this to be really special and unique, so I need some help. It is somewhat like Liberty Prime, only like 1/3 of the size, and the player actually climbs into it and uses it. So its pretty much a suit of power armor thats like ~2x as big as a normal one. But I need help with several things. First off, I dont really want to use a default power armor suit (as the player see's it standing there before getting in, and after using it) so it would kill the coolness if this 200 year old robosuit looked exactly like the BHS power armor. So I was hoping someone could help me with some things. I have an incredibly small amount of modeling experience, a tiny bit of texturing experience, and a very small amount of NifSkope experience. I have pretty much given up learning how to make models, and texture them well and use nifskope for this mod. I will learn that at a later time. (As this is my first mod, so I am just trying to do cool stuff with the geck right now) So I would LOVE it if someone could take the Brotherhood power armor, and 'modify' it. It doesnt have to be much, just add some unique tweaks to it. Then make sure its all textures alright. Also, I need them to take that model, and make a World Object for it, that isnt a tiny little folded up power armor suit, but rather a giant one (can be normal size and I will scale it up in geck) standing so it almost looks like someone is standing in it. The helmet and body can be one solid piece, (that would actually be preferred) since the player is forced to wear both, and cant take any of it off until a scripted time, at which its removed automatically. I realize that people with this kind of experience are generally busy with their own mods and projects, or dont want to waste time on something if they arent sure if it will actually go places. So let me say this. I have been working on this mod (see signature) since early February and have probably put over 200 hours of work into it. I want to be a game developer, so I take this very seriously. This will be part of my Portfolio to help me get a job. The mod adds almost an hour of gameplay to the game. (Its a quest mod) And I fully intend on finishing the mod before NV comes out in October. Also hopefully some of you that can help have seen me around here for the last 8 months as I learned the geck.

So please if someone can help me make this thing and get it working in the mod, I would be forever in your debt and you would obviously be put as a major benefactor in the credits of the mod. So if you can help me, let me know and we can discuss it in more detail.

Thanks. :foodndrink:

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benjamin corsini
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:15 am


I may be able to help, I've ben spending a lot of time playing with blender and nifscope. Trying to learn as much as possible before NV is released. I've mostly worked on giving static objects havok physics but, am willing to try my hand at some armor. I'm not guaranteeing I can pull it off so, you may want to keep looking for a more skilled mesher.

I'd have to look at the power armor mesh to see if it will be as simple as I hope.

I had a thought about your world object though, if you've used Operation Anchorage as a master in your mod, there is a static version of the T-51b power armor, which could be used for it. I've already scaled it down and given it havok Physics to be used as a GI Joe doll in my own mod. :drool:

I have some errands to run this afternoon but, I''ll be working on my mod tonight. I'll take a look at the mesh then

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:12 am

Hey CevSteel!

The fact you might be able to do it is good enough for me! The one thing I can tell one that i know (I have a friend who is getting really good with Blender, but mostly messes around, and doesnt know Nifskope at all, or Fo3 modding so he could not help) is that the armor is broken up into chunks. Like hands, legs, upper/lower arms, shoulders (or Pauldrons), the helmet obviously. its not all one solid object. So perhaps you could just edit a chunk of it, like make the shoulders look really badass. Maybe even attach a minigun to it? :D

I am not using, nor do I own OA so I couldnt do that. :/ I want my mod to only use Fo3 stuff, no DLC, so ANYONE can play it so long as they own FO3. So yea just take a look at the mesh whenever you can. For now I will just not have the world object for it, and when the player is 'using' the robosuit, I will simply put on some PA for now. Also, I tried using the global objects for Tesla power armor, but it was mising some kind of Node so I could not select or move it in the geck, and it was in the default T pose. So it wasnt exactly good at all. :P

Oh and just incase it helps you think of some things to change on it, the suit is called the Prototype Reinforced Omnidirectional Multiple Environment Tactical Heavily Equipped Utility Suit, or Prometheus* for short. *(A mythological greek Titan)

Anyway, thanks so much for offering! Hopefully we can get something working here. :D

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:40 am

I did a quick test to try to simply scale the armor. My initial results were sad at best. all I did was to make the player invisible. Everything looked right in nifscope but, in the game the armor doesn't show.

I remember a thread over on the nexus about scaling armor, I'll try to look it up.

I'm going to look into this further because, this is just the type of thing I really want to learn about but, for tonight I'm going to work on my mod. I've ben wanting to play with DCInteriors but, I keep letting myself go off on other little tangents.

Once I do a little research I'll get back to you with what I've learned.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:04 am

Alright. And you dont have to scale the armor. Be it a global object, or what the player actually wears. I will simply scale it in geck, and use SetScale ingame to make them bigger. All you really have to do is modify the model somehow, then make a posed global object.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:27 am

just out of curiosity, how are you going to handle viewing of this armor while in 3rd person view? i ask because the animations might not look right if you just scale the armor up to the size you want.

the way i'm picturing it is like the from 'Avatar'.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:53 am

Ah, I thought of that, and will simply be locking the players view in first person. To counter this, I will add some cool hud effects to add to immersion and such. Also I'm not actually scaling up any armor the player wears. That will be normal size, then I just use SetScale on the player to make them like 2x as big.

As for the actual model I am hoping for, I want something like the Avatar robot, but not as big and crazy. So like 50% between that and regular power armor. Pretty much a power armor suit thats a little bulkier, and like 12-14ft tall.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:05 am

Ah, I thought of that, and will simply be locking the players view in first person. To counter this, I will add some cool hud effects to add to immersion and such. Also I'm not actually scaling up any armor the player wears. That will be normal size, then I just use SetScale on the player to make them like 2x as big.

As for the actual model I am hoping for, I want something like the Avatar robot, but not as big and crazy. So like 50% between that and regular power armor. Pretty much a power armor suit thats a little bulkier, and like 12-14ft tall.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

What you really need is a cool looking world object to be used as an activator. Once the player enters you lock them into first person view only seeing the weapons attached to the world object. Lets say a mini gun on the right hand and a power fist on the Left. (Warhammer 40k Dreadknot, kind of thing.) Forcing the player to have hot key 1 for the power fist and, hot key 2 for mini gun.

will V.A.T.S. be disabled?

From my experiences working with nif's if you scale anything in the GECK and, you leave and reenter the cell they revert back to there default sizes. This is why I thought I first needed to upscale the armor.

I'm only trying to clarify what you really need from me. If I don't need to size up the nif, it will make things a lot easier to pull off.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:47 am

Correct me if I'm wrong.

What you really need is a cool looking world object to be used as an activator. Once the player enters you lock them into first person view only seeing the weapons attached to the world object. Lets say a mini gun on the right hand and a power fist on the Left. (Warhammer 40k Dreadknot, kind of thing.) Forcing the player to have hot key 1 for the power fist and, hot key 2 for mini gun.

Yea, you pretty much nailed it on the head. I shall clarify some things. :) The armor is seen 3 times. The first time, is when the player walks into the Prometheus labs, after being instructed to prep the armor for combat. It is sitting on a podium in the middle of the room (made out of chunks of the Liberty Prime setup in the Citadel Lab) and it will be a static. It cant be interacted with at all. I can make it bigger by simply setting the scale for the reference in the geck. (Which as far as I have every known will make it the same size constantly) So it does not need to be scaled up in nifskope at all. It can be average power armor height, as to fit nicely onto the player. Then the player fixes it up, and its 'flown away' via vertibird. Then they go to where it will be used. Upon which they are forced to remove all inventory items and put on somelike like a 'pilots suit'. Then they activate it, and their screen fades to black, they hear some noises, and it fades in. I hope to have VATS disabled, if thats possible. And also just as you said, it would be fantastic to have like 2-3 weapons for them to use. Which will be hotkeyed automatically with FOSE. (At this point they are scaled up to like 2x normal size) They run around, do some fighting. At the end, screen fades to black, hear some robotic noises again, screen fades in. They are standing next to it, in a fixed spot. Again as a static object, and they are returned all their gear. And then they leave.

So yea, it needs to be a cool looking object, that will be a static in 2 places, and activator in 1. Honestly, they dont even have to be wearing it. I can just put on some BoS PA so long as you dont change the lower arms, and we make them have some kind of funky gloves on, and we hide the pipboy somehow, incase it can be seen. Also the weapons will probably require no ammo, so seeing the pipboy during reloading wont be an issue. (They cant roam the wasteland freely while wearing this suit. So while its incredibly powerful and awsome, its in a completely controlled environment, in my own custom worldspace)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:44 am

I think I can work with this, at first I thought you were also wanting to have both first person view and third.

Adding the helmet and, hands are a non issue but, I need to figure out how to transform the arms into a cooler position than the standard nif comes in.

turning it into a staic is another non issue. :)
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:18 am

Fantastic. :D

So what kind of things do you think you can change to make it look unique and 'cooler' than default BoS armor? I also may need help figuring out how to get some crazy weapon things to work when your in the suit. Like I would love to have the player use a minigun, but when they use it, their arms arent visible, so its like its attached to the armor, but they arent actually holding it. And I can add weapons to the armor by just placing them with it in the geck as static objects, so adding them to the actual mesh wont be neccisary. Just a few changes to the shape is all.
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sam smith
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:53 am might help you out when you get down to adding the weapons.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:34 am

Hey Cevsteel, have you played with it at all? For placment and scripting purposes right now I just have Liberty Prime statics in place of the suits. Which still looks pretty cool. :P

Honestly, I have been thinking about it. And the suit could just be a BrotherHood of steel suit. Like after the bombings the US decided to take the Prometheus and make it into much smaller cheaper suits, which then the BoS stole the designs for and used or something. Thats how they got their power armor. (none of this will be mentioned in the mod, all implied :P) so if you just make the armor into a static, posed like the LP statics are that would be pretty awsome. But if you are confident you can make some changes to the mesh/textures then go ahead and try it. :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:24 pm

Guys I just noticed something... Now, I admit I have barely played Fo2, and never played any other fallout. Not Tactics, BoS, or Fo1. So I don't totally know the backstory. Did the armor the BoS wear exist before the war? and what is it called? Is it the T-51b everyone talks about? Or is that the enclave armor? Look at the object 'Poster 3' and its a BoS power armor guy helping up Uncle Sam. So then I can just use the basic BoS armor and say it was based off the pre-existing armor!!! That was CevSteel also only has to make a static of it in a standing position.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:26 am

Well after about 15 seconds on the Falloutwiki, much to my joy, and due to lack of playing previous titles, I figured out the BoS armor, or T-45d did exist prewar!!! So, I have simplified my request. Can someone (be it CevSteel or anyone else) just take that power armor (the ones that BoS wear) and simply pose it in a standing position (almost so it looks like someone is wearing it but a little straighter) and make it into a static. With the gloves on and helmet and all as one object? Thanks to anyone who will do this! This should be much simpler than I originally thought, I just have absolutely 0 moddeling experience, and dont have the time to learn right now. Can anyone help?
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:05 am

Well after about 15 seconds on the Falloutwiki, much to my joy, and due to lack of playing previous titles, I figured out the BoS armor, or T-45d did exist prewar!!! So, I have simplified my request. Can someone (be it CevSteel or anyone else) just take that power armor (the ones that BoS wear) and simply pose it in a standing position (almost so it looks like someone is wearing it but a little straighter) and make it into a static. With the gloves on and helmet and all as one object? Thanks to anyone who will do this! This should be much simpler than I originally thought, I just have absolutely 0 moddeling experience, and dont have the time to learn right now. Can anyone help?

I'm sorry for being away for a bit, I've got some family stuff going on. I found that mesh too and thought I would use it as a base but, it could be a week or so, before I get some personal time to try to pull this off for you.

I'll try as soon as I can but, if someone else steps up thats cool to.

Family comes first you know.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:45 pm

Alright thats fine. I dont really need it till the mods much closer to release anyway. So no problem.

However if anyone else would like to step in and help that would be great. :)
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Paul Rice
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:28 pm

If someone could enlighten me how to attach helmets in Blender I could do it sooner.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:39 am

If someone could enlighten me how to attach helmets in Blender I could do it sooner.

you just import the helmet, select the bip01 head bone, copy the Y coords, paste those into the helmets Y. do the same with the Z. it should now be positioned exactly where it would be if it was attached to the skeleton in game. now just rig it to the head bone.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:41 am

Thanks Ghogiel, if Scarecrow could do it sooner that would be great. :) Right now I have a giant 15 ft tall ElectricalSwitch02 taking the robots place. :P (I just needed an activator that worked, and the liberty prime static did not)
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Dan Scott
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:19 am

Hmm, for some reason the Power Armor is like 2 feet in front of the skeleton and I don't know enough about Blender to fix it, the other pieces of armor I've done didn't have that issue so I don't know what the deal is; probably gonna have to wait for a more experienced modder :(
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:56 am

Well I am simplifying my request. Due to many reasons I am making the ingame play with this armor suit much more basic and effect based, instead of visual. So I just need a standard BoS power armor suit posed in a standing position. Can anyone get this to me? It does not have to be scaled at all. Normal default size, simply posed into a standing pose, and with the helmet/gloves attached. Thanks.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:35 am

any luck with this Gunmaster?

if not i might be able to help... gimme a few days and i'll see what i can do you for.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:21 pm

Not really. I don't know where CevSteel went, so if you can get me the model that would be fantastic. I have not even tried myself as I am saving learning modeling until NV and those mods. This mod was purely for the GECK, and a tad bit of texturing.

So by all means if you can help me out I would really appreciate it. :D I just need a BoS power armor set with Helmet, gloves and all other parts attached and in a standing pose all as one object. Also, it needs to be an activator. (I think you just add something to it in Nifskope to make it one) It does not need any animations or any stuff like that.
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le GraiN
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:17 am

Not really. I don't know where CevSteel went, so if you can get me the model that would be fantastic. I have not even tried myself as I am saving learning modeling until NV and those mods. This mod was purely for the GECK, and a tad bit of texturing.

So by all means if you can help me out I would really appreciate it. :D I just need a BoS power armor set with Helmet, gloves and all other parts attached and in a standing pose all as one object. Also, it needs to be an activator. (I think you just add something to it in Nifskope to make it one) It does not need any animations or any stuff like that.

i'd imagine Cev is busy with his own mods, plus IRL stuff to deal with.

i'd suggest, however, if you want to learn modelng, start NOW. especially if you're going to be using blender, it will take you quite awhile just to learn the UI (would be the same with Max, but blender will take even more time). that way you'd have at least the basics of how to create simple models as NV is released.

i've been using blender for two years now (actively for ~1 year) and my models are nowhere near the quality that others here are making. i feel as if i need to take formal classes now in order to get any better at it.

afiaik if you want the armor as an activator, you will have to set that up in the GECK. the model only needs to have a basic collision mesh so the player can interact with it.
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