I'd suggest you watch "The Road". I only watched it myself a few days ago, there isn't much action, but it's a fantastic film none the less. Really captures the desparation of the main chrs.
Never "I am legend" though. Read the book or watch "The Omega Man" it's the same film just better. (Though this is mainly because the Will Smith version was so bad I almost couldn't finish watching it.)
I am Legend was one bad movie. I mean, it has a nice story and all that, but the movie was just bad. Too much CGI for me aswell. Those "vampires" (more like... fast zombies or something) didn't need to be so badly CGI-"enhanced" as they were, what is wrong with actually putting cool and realistic makeup on the actors?
And the The Road is awesome - trust no one, cannibals everywhere, no food, no clothes, the world is just full of ash, a gun with only two bullets, things that are too good to be true are of course untrue, etc etc. Watch it if you like the be depressed

I'd also have to say A Boy and His Dog. It's pretty nice, funny and weird - a boy looking for a woman to sleep with in a post-apocalyptic environment where women are hard to come by, to his help he has a dog smarter than himself that he can communicate with telepathically, and they have a deal that the dog finds him a woman, and he gives him food, right? Don't remember. It has a nice humor, and when Vic, the boy, gets into that vault or whatever, that's when things get very very weird. I also like the end, although apparently many were against it. I like it because it's kinda taboo. The movie is also considered kinda sixist, both by how Vic is only searching the wasteland for six, and how the movie later ended. Haha!
What more is there... have you seen Doomsday? It's a nice little movie, apparently it's a tribute to a lot of different movies that the director is a fan of, like Mad Max 2, 28 Days Later etc, so therefore you see references of this in the movie. It got nice action and cannibalism.
Then if you are a fan of zombies and such, there's a lot of zombie apocalyptic movies aswell. Movies like Braindead and Return of the Living Dead are favorites, they're really funny. For zombie apocalypse there's also The Walking Dead TV-series (aswell as the comic books, which I really really recommend to anyone. Focused on the survival of the humans, not zombie grinding.) Also, the british short series Dead Set!
This is not really considered zombies, but Slither is a really good apocalyptic movie (although the apocalypse is restricted to a small town) where alien worms turn people into zombies, and I love it, it's a really good comedy.
There's The Crazies, which is a virus that turns people into killers and not zombies, but it's still apocalyptic though restricted to a small town aswell.
And, errrrrr, The Mist... alien apocalypse, kinda. Very focused on how the survivors deal with it and eachother, which I like. I really recommend it, though I hear alot of people hate it for some reason :s
Hm... I guess I like movies with an extreme and sudden chaos, and watch how survivors deal with it. I guess I just like apocalyptic movies, post- and present-.