can someone at least point me in the right direction on how to mod the vampire scripts
For what it's worth, my first released mod (Blood Is Everything) was (and still is) based primarily on a heavily-modified vampire script, with a few lightly-scripted Lesser Powers and Diseases thrown in to flesh it out. Grab TESCS, read the CS wiki, and, when you have specific questions, come on over here and ask for help with them. If I'm able to answer questions from people who have at least made an effort on their own first, then I'm always happy to help out and I know there are others here who feel the same way.
Maybe you should contact some of the creators of the great vampire mods that have already been released for Oblivion.
Madmole's "", and are two vampire mods that are regularly updated.
Thanks for the mention, but I just about fell out of my chair when I saw you refer to Blood Is Everything as "regularly updated"... Granted, I have just done a major release followed by a minor bugfix within the last week, but my last release before that was in early 2008. But I do hope to be able to continue working on it more regularly again now that I'm back, although I have some other mods in need of updating and a new one in progress, so my time will be a little divided.
And I haven't heard of Unholy Darkness before. Thanks for mentioning it. I'll have to check it out and see if it has any good ideas to steal...