But that is what might not stop me.
I loathe and despise gambling of all kinds. It is the stupidest and most waste of time and money ever.
I have zero interest in it.
It bores me to sleep from the moment I see it. It bores me in any setting, even Devil May Cry anime. I zoned out when I read the rules for Caravan. :snoring: :snoring: :snoring:
I have no idea how to play Caravan, Blackjack or and other card game. Roulette is just chance.
I am very loathe to waste 10 goes of money on slots and roulete but once it is done I don't have to bother any more.
Is there a way to force a win for you, with clothing, aids, anything! Enough to get the Win At Caravan 3 times trophy.
The card games are just luck of the draw and stuff as many cards in your deck as possible with caravan anyway. Gods, gambling is boring. :snoring:
So is there a way to force the right cards to appear? Any way at all. Luck clothing, lucky aid items, anything?! The quicker I get it done the better.
Can anyone help me?