I have to set aside a day or two just for research upon acronyms and files to get everything ready for the mods.
Depending on how far you want to dig into it, yes, definitely you this amount of time, if not more.
However, you should see modding the game as an ongoing process. Start out, get essential tools, install something, look how you like it, install the next one... until you are satisfied. Reading a lot of guides and readmes is essential. Otherwise you will gain zero respect here. I'm not implying anything with this comment, I'm stating a fact talking about own experience. I'm one of the less experienced with modding beyond a certain point. The least what is expected of everybody is that he reads the f------ng readmes and manuals.
If you say (or believe) that OBMM requires Python you have already shown that you did not do that...

Yes, modding the game does involve a certain amount of growing pains, but you do get something in return, I can promise you that. But it's certainly not for the impatient, so..... :cookie: