I'm building a town mod, and I happen to need lots of low-hanging wires. The trouble is, the Megaton christmas tree lights which I've been using, are kind of low-rez and look really awful up-close, as they're kind of flat and even the lightbulbs look a little pixely in any position other than their intended use high above the player's head.
So, what I was wondering, is if it'd be possible to take the power station wires (meshes\architecture\wasteland\powerstationwires01.nif) and modify them so they can be used in places where the player is likely to bump into them. I can do the texturing myself (all I have to do is make them black so they match the Megaton wires), but what I need from a skilled modeler is to find a way to cut this "powerstationwires" mesh from the six wires it's currently composed of, and convert it into a single wire, preferably with a length matching the Megaton wires.
Additionally, it'd be really cool if there was a way to apply some havoc goodness to it, so that when the player bumps into it, they swing out of the way.
Hopefully this isn't too much to ask!