» Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:30 pm
For a mod newbie, the simplest way by far, is to install all mods using OBMM, following those steps:
(I'm writing from memory, so it may be somewhat inaccurate)
This will work for 99% of the mods you're likely to install (at least if you include omod installers like the ones in my sig).
1. In OBMM, click on the "Create" button.
2. In the "Create omod" dialog, select "Add archive"
3. Navigate to the downloaded .zip, .rar or .7z archive (you should NOT unpack it first), and select it.
4. If the archive is omod-ready, you will get a popup asking to import omod conversion data. Answer yes.
5. If the archive was not omod-ready, you must fill in apprporiate data. OMOD name and version is the only you need.
6. (Optional). Click on the data radio button, to list all non-esm/esp files that was in the archive. Right-click and select "remove from omod" anything you don't want, installed, like readme's, pictures, etc.
7. Click on "Create"
8. The omod is now listed on the right-hand pane. Double-click on it to install it.
* Steps 3, 7 and 8 may take a loong time for big mods, so OBMM may seem like it is hanging, but let it take its time.
* Some archives can have esp/esm files in multiple folders. If so, OBMM will not know how to install it without an omod script. If there are multiple esp/esm folders, OBMM will give a warning between steps 3 and 4 above. If the mod comes with omod conversion data too (step 4), it is ok, so just answer yes to both pop-ups.
Finally, if the mod in question comes as an OMOD (not omod-ready archive), Those files have .omod as their extension. Instead of the above, click on the "Load" button, select the omod, and install it. Some omods come packed inside an archive. If so, you must exctract the omod file first.