I'm just sick to my stomach with all the problems with my release but that's beside the point. I desperately need help in trying to figure out some of the problems people are experiencing. The biggest right now is that for some people one of my quests will not initialize. It's apparently not happening to some, but for others when one quest completes, the next quest will not activate. Even using the console to set the start up stage will not work. I've asked several to sqv the quest and from what I can tell from what they're telling me is that aliases are not filling which of course does explain why it's not starting. However that does not explain why it works for others. I would think that if I had a bad alias (which I cannot fine any) that it would fail for everyone, not just a few. Is there some sort of debug or something that I can have them run to try and shed light on why they are failing?
Then there's an issue where actors won't speak with you even though the stage is in the correct stage for their dialog to be valid. But I'm more concerned with the first one right now.