Need help changing objects on the landscape via advancing qu

Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:00 pm

Hello, I am new to the forums and I have started tooling around with Fallout New Vegas GECK in preparation for a mod I want to build. I have a question that can't seem to be found answered online so I thought I would start here. I am wanting to create a quest line that when advanced will allow me to change the static meshes on the landscape in a town I am going to build. Basically I want to create something from nothing over time with the advancement of questing. For example, and in very basic terms, say I want to build a metal shack out of wood and metal panels, and I place objects that can be interacted with that are required to build this shack. When i talk to the quest giver and I find out I need to collect them, I walk over to their location, pick them up, and the return to hand them in or in this case just advance the quest. Say after about 4 days game time the place the shack was to be built would be their. I guess my question is can this be done in this game through scripting and if so can someone give me an example of script, tutorial, anything pertaining to this that may help me understand it?

In conclusion, I really appreciate any responses I get in advance, and if you did not understand my question well enough I will do my best to present it in a better manner if I can. I am familiar with level design and layout as my website below does show some of my work using strictly the Unreal Engine. But I want to delve into an engine that is going to provide/allow more longevity with my work so I feel my time and dedication isn't for just one time play through level designs that people will eventually forget about. My main goal is to dedicate my time to the pursuit of making long lasting mods for this community and Fallout 3 that help you feel as if you are part of the world and your decisions make a difference.


Dana Willoughby
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:12 am

The same way your house interior upgrades are done.

You put it all there, and use enable and disable along with parentage to set which 'stage' in building you want.
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Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:12 pm

Thanks for the reply WillieSea I appreciate it greatly. I will give this a shot and find out what I can achieve and will come back if I run into any issues along the way.

Dana Willoughby
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