Not exactly what a mod creator wants to hear, but it's all part of bugfixing process

For starters here are the comments that I have received regarding the issues with Blamora Undercity:
I ran into a like 20 errors in the smithshop meshes and texture errors.
There are some house floating in the air but it could be a good mod, just needs to be finished.
There are some house floating in the air but it could be a good mod, just needs to be finished.
This I attribute to the pathfile of the Meshes and Textures, They may need to be reworked on my end. As well as the 'floating houses"
Houses with no doors, for a start, spelling errors "extreme", and it mucked up my MW (even with the plugin off) until I deleted the ESP. It said stuff like sWeaponTabs and sCancel. Not recommended until modder fixes everything.]
The houses with No Doors would be the unclaimed lots so that's not an issue.
Spelling errors I need someone to proof read everything for me. (I am a terrible speller >.<)
And as for the sWeaponsTab and sCancel I have no idea what would cause this or how to fix it. However, I have not had these issues myself, nor has it been reported anywhere else.
If anyone has any information on this that would help me I would be truly grateful! And if you would like to test for further bugs for your self, or if you just want the mod the links are here:|:|fid=37899