Need help console making an NPC into a chef vendor

Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:19 am

I am posting this in "General Discussion" because I couldn't figure out where it properly belonged.

I need some serious help with this, and it's a tough one.

I am trying to convert Llewellyn The Bard into a chef.

I want to make it so that he sells food, using only the console and no mods.

When using the command "removefromallfactions", it works fine. He is stripped of his normal bard dialogue, and no longer has any dialogue with me when activated, other than "need something?"

I also set him to ally, no problem. The next step is trying to get him to give me dialogue choices to buy food, like a merchant. I've added him to several factions including the "food/server/vendor faction", but to no avail.

I realize this is probably an issue with his voice files (he has the same voice as Sven).

Adding other npc's to the follower factions and marriage factions have all worked just fine. I just choose npc's who have the voice files, and same with making followers.

I am hoping that is the only issue here.

I don't know which faction to add him to, and there are many INN service factions (innkeepers and INN servers sell food, for example Narri at Dead Man's Drink).

Could someone please assist me, perhaps by looking in the Creation Kit for me and finding out which food vendor has the same voice files as Llewellyn The Nightingale? Again I am trying to do this via console, just like forcing and NPC to become a follower and/or spouse.
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:15 pm

Anoriath has the same voice and has a food stall in whiterun.
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luis ortiz
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