The title kinda says it all. I fiddled around in Nifskope and managed to export the skyrim mesh I want as an OBJ and import it into the NiTriShape bla bla of a Morrowind hair mesh, but it still looks all weird and it's not in the right place and I understand absolutely ZERO when it comes to meshes and stuff, so I'm stuck.
So would someone please be so kind as to convert this for me so it actually looks right (including texture)? I can put the mesh and texture into the CK myself afterwards. The mesh in question is the straight hawk from this, they were released as a free no-permission-needed resource so it should be fine. It's for a dark elf by the way, if that's important information. I think Morrowind hair meshes include the ears?
So someone, please? You have no idea how badly I need a proper mohawk for my character ;_;
(if bribing helps to get this done, I can offer a free sketch or line art of your character in return )