I didn't really care about Bethesda games until Skyrim came out last year. But then, the Bethesda magic hits me hard. I played Skyrim longer than 300 hours and started with Oblivion. And I played Fallout 3, too, which is now one of my favourite games ever. So I few days ago, I finally decided to start playing New Vegas!

But I'm a little unsure about how I should play it. Or let me say, how I should build my character. In Fallout 3 I my character was specialized in Small Guns, Repair, Medicine, Science and Speech (less in Barter and Lockpick). NOTE: Please correct me if I write something wrong, I play the game in German language

I think, I want to stay with Science, Speech, Medicine and Repair, but in general, I'm not sure which weapon I should take as there are some things to consider like the choice of the perks and so on...
I was thinking about energy weapons, but somehow I prefer normal weapons.
What would you choose if you have these options:
a) Sniper Rifle (would sneaking skills maybe a good option to increase the critical hit ratio?)

c) Two-Hand Weapons like MG's and Shotguns
Or a mix from all of that?
I ask this because whether or not I take some of the perks (like 25% more accuracy for one-handed weapons).
And another question: I plan to start with Intelligence 10 (and the others 5) so that get more skill points after each level up. Is this a good idea?
One last question: Do you by chance even have a good character build that you could recommend me (with all informations like which perks you chose and so on...).
Or any other general tips?
Thank you a lot! I'm really happy that I found the way to Bethesda games!