Need help figuring out multiple problems

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:00 am

You overwrite the esp for UOP when it is intalled there is no need to check anything off as it should already be.

I do realize that UOP updates aren't the problem and aren't going to fix it I was just suggesting to update it.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 4:07 am

Go to the installers tab (open it) right click on the top bar that says packages - scroll down to where it says BSA redirection - make sure there is a check-mark.

I'm used it being called archive invalidation invalidated - should be the same thing.

Next the tes4edit search on the missing meshes.

One problem at a time - that is the fastest way to find the missing meshes.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:08 pm


The questions are I asked were not meant to insult or offend you and I'm not trying to be smarmy in my approach.

If you answer them you will be doing yourself a favor and help others to help you. Seriously.

How were the mods installed? see above. mostly WB, a few OBMM
Do you have archive invalidation invalidated set? [edit] BSA Redirection or use BSA Redirection checked in WB. Archive unchecked in OBMM
What mods address windows in the city interiors? The only mods added I know of are All Natural with Real Lights The formIDs you get from the missing meshes - when you put them into tes4edit what mod comes up? When I enter in the left clicked area seen below (0000c4aa)...appears to be only some of those candles on silver plates. I ran into other shops and found more, disabled Real Lights.esp part of All Natural, loaded in, they were there. I suppose not all are affected. Perhaps due to not having full BC loaded that takes advantage of more lights in BC. I am testing now by moving the RL just above TIE since TIE lets you douse some lights, and will test with Thievery since that, I think, does too since it gives you water arrows. That mod is what is missing resources which then people can help you better by looking at how that mod was installed (review question 1).

If you do start over check out my thread on installing with BAIN or Tomlong's guides. BAIN provides the best conflict detection for replacers. Tom already pointed me to them, but they are so extensive and sometimes hard to read. If I manage to get from the first page to the end of both guides, I still probably will not understand every word or concept in them as I have already mentioned in threads Tom has participated in. These guides tend to not start from the ground up on some things.

And seriously it can be like this - getting the modded game to even run is just the start. I've been playing modded Fallout 3 since the CS for it was released and still - - I've almost got it figured out, but I'm not coming from some high and mighty place. These games can take serious work to mod and the more mods you use the more complex it gets. Reciprocal complexity.

Once I figure out how to get the RL to work, next up is that terrible black tearing and the fatigue issue which I had to disable while doing the lights thing since I kept collapsing.

It must be the combo of Realistic Health/Fatigue and Hypothermia. Being cold/wet in rain gives fatigue as a cold sickness marked as disease (as you can read in Duke Patrick's readme/description). I have to read again how RH and RF work in draining fatigue/health. My guy isnt injured and like I said he couldn't even sit on a stool for about an hour of game time, fully street-clothed, inside the Feed Bag, full and hydrated, without falling to the ground and getting low on health.

The more fatigued/stat drained he gets, the less he can carry...

...update...Moving the RL esp to just before the bash patch didn't fix the lights. Now going to move the the TA around as I noticed this in the website readme:


Thieves Arsenal was designed with two goals in regard to compatibility with other mods:

- Avoid altering existing NPCs, objects, game settings, etc in order to prevent conflicts with other mods that alter the same things;

- Ensure that the changes made by Thieves Arsenal are applicable to new creatures and objects added by other mods.

There are very few situtations in which significant conflicts can arise between Thieves Arsenal and another mod. The most important conflict to be aware of is with Lights. Mods which add scripts to existing lights will conflicts with Thieves Arsenal. On the other hand, non-scripted lights added by other mods will generally be extinguishable with the water arrows included in Thieves Arsenal.


Note: When dousing a light, aim at the center of the flames. Lights in dungeons and castles are extinguishable; those in homes and shops generally are not.

is the reason why I installed as well as so I could extinguish candle flames, etc inside shops/homes.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:01 pm

Ok you are making a mistake about assuming that all versions of a mod are compatible. they are not.

The original mod Real Lights by josef k was abandoned and known to cause save game bloating and other issues. Arthmoor picked up the mod and cleaned if of issues and integrated it into All Natural.

The AN version is not compatible with mods that used the original version as a master. So Extinguish the lights by Ismelda cannot be used with AN Real Lights only the original.

As for tes4edit it would show you (if you would use it as suggested) all the mods that affect of change the vanilla FormID (objects in the world) - so you would see that up to 3 mods are attempting to change aspects of these FormIDs (the candles).

You are either going to have to disable AN Real Lights and use the original RL or disable Extinguish the Lights and accept that you are not going to be extinguishing lights. To your credit the AN readme does not mention incompatibilities with Extinguish the Lights. I'd think it would as this mistake happened quite a bit when AN first absorbed RL. I wonder if the readme for EtL does?

Then you are also trying to use another older mod Thieves Arsenal in hopes that everything would gel just right, but no. I will throw you one helpful link though ... so that you can use it with the AN Real Lights without ctds and such. But again there will be no extinguishing. made by our good friend PetrusOctanianus.

The black tearing - if it persists after fixing the above then I still suspect OBGE - or at least a shader.

And as I said before and as spookyFX backed up - get one mod going at a time. Try just having one realism mod active for a while - get it working and get used to how it works before adding another. This is Oblivion not Morrowind - not all mods are compatible many are not.

As for starting from the ground up - that would be - which is why it is pinned. Also read the compatibility thread pinned at top too.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:44 pm

Ok you are making a mistake about assuming that all versions of a mod are compatible. they are not. Well it is hard to keep track of what one mod say it can or can not do with another mod while another mod not related to the subject (such as lights) doesn't come up in your mind.

The original mod Real Lights by josef k was abandoned and known to cause save game bloating and other issues. Arthmoor picked up the mod and cleaned if of issues and integrated it into All Natural.

The AN version is not compatible with mods that used the original version as a master. So Extinguish the lights by Ismelda cannot be used with AN Real Lights only the original. I thought I read somewhere that RL stand-alone conflicts with something else which is why I picked up the AN one...yet another hard thing to keep track of.

As for tes4edit it would show you (if you would use it as suggested) Which I did, but remember I need to know how to use these other tools first. Once I saw only one mod in the right pane and it said silver candle plate that helped. all the mods that affect of change the vanilla FormID (objects in the world) - so you would see that up to 3 mods are attempting to change aspects of these FormIDs (the candles).

You are either going to have to disable AN Real Lights and use the original RL or disable Extinguish the Lights and accept that you are not going to be extinguishing lights. To your credit the AN readme does not mention incompatibilities with Extinguish the Lights. I'd think it would as this mistake happened quite a bit when AN first absorbed RL. I wonder if the readme for EtL does?

Then you are also trying to use another older mod Thieves Arsenal in hopes that everything would gel just right, but no. I will throw you one helpful link though ... so that you can use it with the AN Real Lights without ctds and such. But again there will be no extinguishing. made by our good friend PetrusOctanianus. Damn thanks. It isn't even listed on Nexus. If you read the description: That means you will not have any Water Arrows!
But don't despair. You can use Extinguish the Lights ( instead. It replaces Real Lights, but edits the lights so that they are able to be extinguished, either by clicking on them when in reach or shooting on them with Extinguish the Lights' own version of Water Arrows. all seems good. I wonder how all these combos would work if I just went ahead and installed BC again.

The black tearing - if it persists after fixing the above then I still suspect OBGE - or at least a shader. I had this running before installing the lights stuff with RH/RF and it worked great.

And as I said before and as spookyFX backed up - get one mod going at a time. Try just having one realism mod active for a while - get it working and get used to how it works before adding another. This is Oblivion not Morrowind - not all mods are compatible many are not. I had RF/RH running but like I said elsewhere, I suspect the "disease" effect that the thermal/cold drain that is put on you from Duke's Hypothermia mod may be counting as a diseased drain from one or both of the other Realistic mods. I am still working down the list. I will remove all, strip it down to just vanilla + those 3 mods, then see how it reacts.

As for starting from the ground up - that would be - which is why it is pinned. Also read the compatibility thread pinned at top too.

Some of the readme from ETL:

With the recent improvement of lights in Better Cities Mod, you can now extinguish all the lights from the cities. But This will work only with Better Cities.
A Master files containing the new lights have been made and you will need this master to make the mod work but you will not need Better Cities Mod. Just know that this mod gives you more lights to extinguish with Better Cities.

The lights are replaced with a counterpart without flame and emitting a black light on a low radius. This works only on "real" lights as designed by the game.

Known Bugs:
As I was testing the mod I discovered that many lights in Oblivion world were fake aka they looks like the lights source your can find everywhere but they are in fact static item with a light source.
I will not edit each cell of the game to track them and add a real light to them. The compatibility with other mods would greatly suffer of this.
To enjoy extinguishing most if not all lights, use the Real Lights mod in conjunction of this one and bring the darkness to Oblivion.

Working my way to the best-that-can-be Oblivion "Thief" experience until Thief 4...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:34 pm

Awful lot of wandering going on here, but I see the gist of a mesh problem being AN-RL and Extinguish the Lights.

AN-RL is not compatible with Extinguish the Lights. I don't know if anyone ever did a patch to fix that, but as it stands right now, you can't use the two together. One will clobber some of the changes in the other.

Absolutely DO NOT use the original Real Lights by Josef K. It made heavy use of PlaceAtMe in scripting, which generates irreversible save game bloating the longer that mod is used. This was one of the primary things I fixed with it in AN-RL. Not to mention a whole lot of other bugs and unused items were fixed as well.

If you haven't yet determined which mesh is causing issues, hit the ~ key, mouse click on one of the WTF symbols, and track down the formID. It sounds like the conflict with Extinguish the Lights is the issue though.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:25 pm

Damn thanks. It isn't even listed on Nexus. If you read the description: That means you will not have any Water Arrows!
But don't despair. You can use Extinguish the Lights ( instead. It replaces Real Lights, but edits the lights so that they are able to be extinguished, either by clicking on them when in reach or shooting on them with Extinguish the Lights' own version of Water Arrows. all seems good. I wonder how all these combos would work if I just went ahead and installed BC again.

Working my way to the best-that-can-be Oblivion "Thief" experience until Thief 4...

No I don't think you quite grasp it yet - at this point you cannot have real lights AND Extinguish the Lights. You have to chose which you want.

It is having both AN RL and EtL installed that is causing the issue. Or I'd bet that is the case.

This came up a few times already - I'm surprised that there isn't a section of the AN readme which says not compatible with EtL or mods that required the original RL. Well if it is there - I didn't see it.

I recall you saying that for EtL to work it would have to have AN RL as a master and be based on that.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:56 pm

Yes, we probably should have some mention of that. It may have come up before but not often enough for us to remember to add it.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:35 pm

No I don't think you quite grasp it yet - at this point you cannot have real lights AND Extinguish the Lights. You have to chose which you want.

Not sure...Thieves Arsenal - for use with Darker Dungeons and Real Lights link, in the description, says:

This version of Thieves Arsenal is for those who prefer to use Darker Dungeons and Real Lights and still have full compatibility with Thieves Arsenal.

To do that I deleted all Lights and Water Arrows and all references to them, as well as deleting most of the cell edits to make it cleaner.

That means you will not have any Water Arrows!
But don't despair. You can use Extinguish the Lights ( instead. It replaces Real Lights, but edits the lights so that they are able to be extinguished, either by clicking on them when in reach or shooting on them with Extinguish the Lights' own version of Water Arrows.

Sounds to me I can still have extinguishable lights using this method, unless you are saying that the RL he is mentioning here is the old one and I can't use the RL included in AN with this modified TA.

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:19 am

It is the old one.

That is what I mean you can have extinguish the lights - but they won't behave and look as cool and be as atmospheric as Real Lights.

I'm not sure if EtL causes game bloat - As I recall it is based on the original RL.

So again it is about choice not both.

Well wait no the choice is between AN RL or EtL.

you could use AN RL and Petrus' version of Thieves Arsenal - you just won't be extinguishing lights.

Am I repeating myself yet?
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:59 pm

It is the old one.

That is what I mean you can have extinguish the lights - but they won't behave and look as cool and be as atmospheric as Real Lights.

I'm not sure if EtL causes game bloat - As I recall it is based on the original RL.

So again it is about choice not both.

Well wait no the choice is between AN RL or EtL.

you could use AN RL and Petrus' version of Thieves Arsenal - you just won't be extinguishing lights.

Am I repeating myself yet?

damnit so I can't use the way it says on that download page then. Going back over the TIE webpage, I'm surprised he didn't include light dousing in his mod.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:11 am

Including light dousing in TIE would have required custom resources and one of the main design goals of TIE is to use strictly vanilla resources.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:28 pm

Often it is that we create much needless problems for ourselves by reading what we want to read and seeing what we want to see.

There are great mods for playing a stealth character out there. This is just one of those areas that is a result of the divergence - Ismelda worked hard at creating and putting final touches on EtL then right after that Arthmoor redid the real lights mod.

I've never really known anyone to use EtL due to this.

Then further I even recall PetrusOctavianus bemoaning the Thieves Arsenal mod because with an FCOM/OOO game (hard) the goals you are given on the randomly generated quests mean no killing in the dungeons. Why? I don't know, but damn near impossible to not even be expected to defend yourself in a dungeon. Further, if you do not complete the quest as soon as it is given to you - then a brand new quest is given by that one and only child in all of Cyrodiil which means losing the first quest (it just disappears) next time you are in the IC. That frustrated me and so I ditched the mod a long time ago. I've never so much as seen the arrows in action. With no climbing animation I wonder how the rope one would even work.

Really playing a thief like in the Thief games is possible but very difficult - this game is deadly - unless modded even the wimps never back down - everything and everyone is rushing toward their death - hard to not kill. is a good mod for being a pure thief though. Many seem to enjoy the Dark Brotherhood more and it makes sense with the high mortality rate and being able to kill.
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