(edited out. See new load list below)
My character is currently level 1 roaming IC.
1. When I go into the Coinpurse, it is like there is something invisible obstructing the view, clipping as it were, as I move around. Very annoying:
2. As you can see I am using Realistic Health and Fatigue, along with Real Hunger cobl, and Real Thirst cobl. I am also using Duke Patrick's Basic Hypothermia.
I have an issue where it is very easy to run out of fatigue and collapse to the ground, no matter if I am full health, and it is only raining as I stand in IC. I get no messages that I am hungry/thristy (visual / audio cues). My stats just keep draining. I collapse to the ground with an empty fatigue bar, and drinking fatigue potions or eating does nothing, so I flap around like a fish on dry land (hate that animation).
Does T.I.E. have something I missed that contributes to fatigue drain?
Going over the Realistic Health readme I noticed this:
while in the readme for Hypothermia:
see this in your menus as a disease. However normal disease "cures" such as potions will
not work to dispel it as it is not an infection.
Can this "disease" be coded as to cause RH to think it is "disease" and continually drain me?
I am also trying to figure out why Hypo is not showing the supposed:
Numbers will flash (only when the heat and cold PC sound effects trigger) at the top of
your screen as to your percentage of Core Body Heat, estimated ambient world
temperature and the your heat Rate of Change.
Your color health, magicka and fatigue bars will throttle up and down in relation to your
percentage of body warmth when you have thermal sickness.
I'm not seeing it...going to have to experiment after posting this to see if that mod that suppresses the You Found...messages suppresses those messages as well.
I want some immersion, but I need to know what I don't like first. I miss seeing messages for doors/objects telling me what they are. I haven't figured out what mod did that as well yet. It made it difficult to chose a door in the Alternate Start mod, with no doors labeled on where to go. I had to save before going through, go through, look at the map, reload...
To recap:
1. What is causing the graphic issue in that shop?
2. Why the hell can't I keep myself "charged up" when I am simply wearing normal clothing, the season looks to be in the "fall" if I interpret the game calendar correctly (Last Seed), I am not injured, walking around the city...
and the extra comments of trying to figure out what happened to certain HUD components (I use an immersive UI that shouldn't get rid of those messages).