I tried all of those and they are too massive.
I am trying to placeatme spawn a small, humble burning campfire.
If someone can help me, could I get a few I.D.'s to try out?
There has to be a burning campfire other than the giant ones I see.
*...EDIT ..I am trying to find one similar, if not exactly like the one at the tiny bandit camp at the Riverwood/Helgen crossroads area, just a little ways outside of Helgen between Riverwood and Lakeview Manor (Hearthfire).
It is the first bandit camp you encounter in the game on the way down the hill from Helgen to Riverwood, and "Treasure Map 1" can be looted from one of the bandits.
My computer can barely handle running the CK or I would just render window the area and click on the fire itself for the I.D.
That, and I am terrible with using the CK. I really svck at it.