Hi everyone. I need help Identifying a problem I am having.
This is what happens:
- Sometimes out of nowhere I get weird texture bugs on my weapons. The weapons other than the one I have equipped usually start to show missing textures/meshes accompanied by that giant red exclamation mark. I use WRP mod and WMX but this happens with all weapons including weapons from other mods etc.
- The game becomes non responsive. I can shoot and move etc. But sometimes I dont hear the sound of the fired gun. Just the reloading sound. And when I try to loot and interact nothing happens.
- This happens mostly in combat. And the longer in combat the more responsive the games can become. NPC's sometimes begin to show giant exclamation marks.
- At this point sometimes hitting esc does nothing at all.
- Sometimes game CTDs at this point. Or sometimes it recovers and shows the textures normally.
I have attached my FalloutPrefs.txt and my Load Order and Mod List to the thread.
As can be seen from the Mod List the texture heavy mods I am using are:
- NMC's Large Pack
- Weapon Retexture Project
- Bouncing Natural briasts
- Breezes New Vegas Males
Also some more information I can give:
- I am using FOMM and I have enabled Archive Invalidation. (I always toggle it when I install a mod that has textures in it)
- I am using NVSR with NVSR patcher applied. (version 4-1-28)
Any help or insight would be most welcome!!
Thanks in advance!