Had to google the perch. Animal realism maybe? As I said, I don't know the mod. Abots wildlife? It is good to post your modlist to answer such questions. It is at the end of your ini-file in the morroiwnd folder

Morrowind Patch v1.6.50BETA
Better Heads
Better Bodies
Abu Manor
Animal Behaviour (WAS using this, anyways)
real signposts
dh_furn, dh_furn_stores, dh_homes, dh_thriftshop
Archmage Tower 2
Nerevarine Castle
Crehange Manor
Better Books
Horror Mod
Akavirian Armor
sg1 -sgaileach_estate1.2.
Cragonmoor v 1.1
DM_DB Armor replacer
Clean Hunters rifle
Better clothes
H.E.L.L.U.V.A. complete weapons
H.E.L.L.U.V.A. complete armor
Art of War Museum
New Argonian Bodies
New Kajiit Bodies
Animated Morrowind
Particle Arrow Replacer
Unique Tombs
More Better Clothes
Morrowind Code Patch
Archmage Tower by Antares
Ondurin Vareg
Antares Big Mod