What happened was I had a script that destroyed armor. Unfortunately the piece of code that should have reset the various factional stuff wasn't working, so now the player is wandering around added to multiple armor factions. Using "player.RemoveFromFaction x" works right up to a point. However, when I remove them from "ArmorNCRFactionEnemy" things become screwed up (legion becomes friendly etc). So I figure I'm missing something.
Here's the bulk the of script:
; From the OnAdd block
if DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped == 0
;Set variable to track wearing faction armor
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped to 1
;Player was not wearing faction armor - so we store their reputation values, we don't need to clear it here, it'll get cleared below
;Store Reputations
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVNCR 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVNCR 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1
StartQuest DisguiseFactionPulseQuest ;Kicks the pulse placing quest
; setally ArmorVCaesarsLegionFaction PlayerFaction 1 1
; player.addtofaction ArmorVCaesarsLegionFactionEnemy 0
; setally PlayerFaction ArmorNCRFactionNV 1 1
; player.addtofaction ARMORNCRFactionNVEnemy 0
;Clear Reputations
SetReputation RepNVNCR 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVNCR 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 0.0
; =====================
; From the unequip block
; Bos
SetEnemy ArmorBrotherhoodSteelFaction PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorBrotherhoodSteelFactionEnemy
; GK
SetEnemy ArmorGreatKhansFactionNV PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorGreatKhansFactionNVEnemy
SetEnemy PlayerFaction ArmorNCRFactionNV 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ARMORNCRFactionNVEnemy
; PG
SetEnemy ArmorPowderGangerFactionNV PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorPowderGangerFactionNVEnemy
; CL
SetEnemy ArmorVCaesarsLegionFaction PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorVCaesarsLegionFactionEnemy
;Restore Factions
;Get Current Values and add stored values
set fUpdatedNegNCR to GetReputation RepNVNCR 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosNCR to GetReputation RepNVNCR 1+ DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegCL to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosCL to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegBoS to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosBoS to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegGK to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosGK to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegPG to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosPG to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderPosReputation
;If the player is not wearing ANY faction armor, clear this variable.
if (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVNCR == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVCaesar == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVBrotherhood == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVGreatKhans == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVPowder == 0) && (player.GetEquipped VMS18WhiteGloveMask == 0 || (Player.GetEquipped OutfitFormalWear == 0 && player.GetEquipped ArmorWhiteGloveSociety == 0))
;Clear Wearing Faction Armor Variable
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped to 0
;Set Reputation Values to Updated
SetReputation RepNVNCR 0 fUpdatedNegNCR
SetReputation RepNVNCR 1 fUpdatedPosNCR
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 fUpdatedNegCL
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 fUpdatedPosCL
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0 fUpdatedNegBoS
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1 fUpdatedPosBoS
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0 fUpdatedNegGK
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1 fUpdatedPosGK
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 fUpdatedNegPG
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 fUpdatedPosPG
if DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped == 0
;Set variable to track wearing faction armor
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped to 1
;Player was not wearing faction armor - so we store their reputation values, we don't need to clear it here, it'll get cleared below
;Store Reputations
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVNCR 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVNCR 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderNegReputation to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderPosReputation to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1
StartQuest DisguiseFactionPulseQuest ;Kicks the pulse placing quest
; setally ArmorVCaesarsLegionFaction PlayerFaction 1 1
; player.addtofaction ArmorVCaesarsLegionFactionEnemy 0
; setally PlayerFaction ArmorNCRFactionNV 1 1
; player.addtofaction ARMORNCRFactionNVEnemy 0
;Clear Reputations
SetReputation RepNVNCR 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVNCR 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1 0.0
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 0.0
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 0.0
; =====================
; From the unequip block
; Bos
SetEnemy ArmorBrotherhoodSteelFaction PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorBrotherhoodSteelFactionEnemy
; GK
SetEnemy ArmorGreatKhansFactionNV PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorGreatKhansFactionNVEnemy
SetEnemy PlayerFaction ArmorNCRFactionNV 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ARMORNCRFactionNVEnemy
; PG
SetEnemy ArmorPowderGangerFactionNV PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorPowderGangerFactionNVEnemy
; CL
SetEnemy ArmorVCaesarsLegionFaction PlayerFaction 1 1
player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorVCaesarsLegionFactionEnemy
;Restore Factions
;Get Current Values and add stored values
set fUpdatedNegNCR to GetReputation RepNVNCR 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosNCR to GetReputation RepNVNCR 1+ DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fNCRPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegCL to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosCL to GetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fLegionPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegBoS to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosBoS to GetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fBoSPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegGK to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosGK to GetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fKhanPosReputation
set fUpdatedNegPG to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderNegReputation
set fUpdatedPosPG to GetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 + DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.fPowderPosReputation
;If the player is not wearing ANY faction armor, clear this variable.
if (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVNCR == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVCaesar == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVBrotherhood == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVGreatKhans == 0) && (Player.GetEquipped FactionGearNVPowder == 0) && (player.GetEquipped VMS18WhiteGloveMask == 0 || (Player.GetEquipped OutfitFormalWear == 0 && player.GetEquipped ArmorWhiteGloveSociety == 0))
;Clear Wearing Faction Armor Variable
set DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped to 0
;Set Reputation Values to Updated
SetReputation RepNVNCR 0 fUpdatedNegNCR
SetReputation RepNVNCR 1 fUpdatedPosNCR
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 0 fUpdatedNegCL
SetReputation RepNVCaesarsLegion 1 fUpdatedPosCL
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 0 fUpdatedNegBoS
SetReputation RepNVBrotherhood 1 fUpdatedPosBoS
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 0 fUpdatedNegGK
SetReputation RepNVGreatKhans 1 fUpdatedPosGK
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 0 fUpdatedNegPG
SetReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 fUpdatedPosPG
The crux seems to be here:
; Bos SetEnemy ArmorBrotherhoodSteelFaction PlayerFaction 1 1 player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorBrotherhoodSteelFactionEnemy ; GK SetEnemy ArmorGreatKhansFactionNV PlayerFaction 1 1 player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorGreatKhansFactionNVEnemy ; NCR SetEnemy PlayerFaction ArmorNCRFactionNV 1 1 player.RemoveFromFaction ARMORNCRFactionNVEnemy ; PG SetEnemy ArmorPowderGangerFactionNV PlayerFaction 1 1 player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorPowderGangerFactionNVEnemy ; CL SetEnemy ArmorVCaesarsLegionFaction PlayerFaction 1 1 player.RemoveFromFaction ArmorVCaesarsLegionFactionEnemy
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.