I have divided the perks into: Science armor (all labcoats and such), Cloth, Light armor, Medium armor, Heavy armor and Power Armor.
Now I want to update the mod to allow other peoples armor mods to be compatible with my perks.
What ive done so far is simply add all the armors in the game to different formlists, then use the GetEquipped function to set the various conditions.
All done in Perk or Ablity menues, almost no scripting necesary.
I did have to script one abilty that affected Followers, so i copied the Ferocious Loyalty perk and used that script to make my own version.
Now im left with something of a conundrum.
If I want to add someone elses armor mod to my perks ill need to either make a compatibility patch of every armor mod in existence and add their armors to my formlists...
This proved problematic as most other mods tends to be ESPs, as is my mod and im not sure how I could make a comp. patch without making changes to files i dont even own.
So i thought of a better solution.
Divide my perks based on DT, and so it doesnt matter what mod the armor comes from its DT rating will determine what Perk applies to it.
However, while the game has a GetArmorRatingUpperBody function, there is nothing that checks for DT.
But NVSE (v1 b5) seems to.
Or rather it has the functions GetEquippedObject and GetArmorDT.
So putting those two together in a script should yield the result I need, but I cant get it to work.
Also the function IsPowerArmor or IsPA should work for the powerarmor perk, but once again I have to admit I dont know enough.
This is my first mod, I made it last weekend, and im just learning as I go.
If any of these functions showed up in the Perk or Ability condition menues id be set, but nothing from NVSE seems to show up there, does NVSE only work for scripts ?
Any help would be appreciated.