Why don't you just follow them around what they do and try to work it out when you're playing? Pay attention to how they act when they do these things, see if they'll drop any hints. I did this with a character once. When I found out why they ended up in prison in the first place, it was incredibly satisfying.
+1 this.
As I said before, it's easier if you don't try to drive, just let the story play out organically
I'll give you an example - Vilja inhabits Niamh's world, and when Niamh first met her she was a relatively naive would-be alchemist on a search for herbs for her sister - (long story!) - and not much else. After a while of adventuring however she has multiple scars, a tattoo all down one arm, she's very handy with a 2 handed blade and she's probably killed as many people as Niamh has.
I never knew how the story would go, and I still don't - but it seems to work nevertheless.
Here's a link to Niamh's backstory and a couple of vignettes I've written - just for reference: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1309222-niamh/page__view__findpost__p__19691372