I did some research, but I didn't need to do it... As it turns it, i'm always the archer type. I don't like being close to combat. I like being the sneaky bastard who nails in an arrow in your back and then moves on to the next prey without being seen.
Being the far from combat guy, i can either be a caster or an archer. As bows are quiet, stealthy, and just look cool, I'm always the archer... But then came the other choices... I was thinking about being a Nightblade Shadow guy, improving my stealthiness, but I'd like my Dual wield Daggers also, for when some foes manage to sneak up to me, or when my bow just can't handle it all and I need to go close combat.
So, I need to be stealthy, need a bow, but i also want Dual wield Daggers. Now, is a Bosmer the right choice here, or do you guys say otherwise?
Tips are welcome. Please argument, as an answer like 'do a Templar' is not very usefull to me .
Underlined note; I haven't had the privelege to play beta, so I don't know ingame info.