» Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:32 pm
I normally use a snap grid of 1 to keep the decimals away, but when I'm doing interiors, I usually don't bother manually placing anything. I calculate the coordinates, and type them in based on the mesh length.
A helpful poster on CI's forum, and the onboard help system, got me there.
1) Import mesh
2) Select problem shape (scene)
3) Hit N to open Transform Properties
4) In this case, I locked Scale X and Scale Z, and adjusted Dim Y to 76.8 (which resulted in a perfect +/- 384.0)
5) Hit Ctrl-A to bring up Apply menu, and apply scale to Ob(ject)
6) Select all scenes, and re-export.
I'm glad I installed blender, that would have taken bleeding forever in nifskope or ultraedit...