I am playing through the thieves guild quest line when Delvin Mallory won't give me anymore quests and Vex won't either. Delvin says that I've been making a stir and he has a special job for me that he hasn't seen in years, but he won't give me a quest or allow me to talk to him. He just repeats that over and over. I talk to Vex about getting work, but she says that I should finish up what Delvin has me doing, but I don't have a quest from him.
The only quest I can find in my journal from him is returning items (eye of the falmer, dwemer puzzle cube and ship model). I've tried restarting, but it doesn't help any. I might have to go back and load a previous save, but I don't know how far back I need to go (I would hate to have wasted my time and have to start over after playing for hours).
I have scoured the interwebz looking for an answer, but I can't find anything that works. I hope that I put this post in the right place, I haven't used the forums before and made an account just to get this answered. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.