Basically, for my own immersion purposes, I want all of the Strip's securitrons (MK1 & Mk2s) (inside & outside on the gate entrance) to have the police faces you see before you upgrade them to the MkII, if possible I'd also like to replicate this effect for those inside the Lucky 38 as well...
But here's the catch, I don't want to replicate this effect for all securitrons MkIIs, only the one's in the strip so it looks like The Strip has it's own MKII Police force, and it's own MKII army.
I'm on the GECK, and looking at the Actors--Creature--Robot--Securitron part now...
For what I want to do, by the looks of it, the ones I should be editing are:-
& All the VSStreetSecuritrons (all variations of them)
Is what I want to do actually possible? Or am I going to be forced to use the templates? If so, would that change every single securitron of that type?