Need help with Melee build for OWB

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:30 am

Hi all, I am creating a new character to take into OWB. I have never played a melee character and I was looking for some SPECIAL builds and tips. I am a minmaxer and like to have an optimal character. If there are any must-haves, bugs or broken perks (ie. I hear ninja is broken) please share your wisdom with me!

For the character, I am planning to make a high END, high STR melee build wearing light armor, and ideally wielding a 1-handed melee weapon for max movement speed. I typically use charisma as my dump stat. I also hear that melee builds don't spec for criticals because of heavyhanded, so should a melee build invest in luck at all?

Thanks in advance and let me know if there is any other info I should provide.
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Kat Stewart
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