What I am about to ask of you is rather simple. I enjoy the whole companions mods brought into morrowind, but I always disliked when they detracted from the main story, or went off on thier own slant on things. Now a lot of what I am about to say or suggest is largely based on assumptions, so thats why I am acknowledging this here and now, and am starting a thread on it! So please state your thoughts here, and not call me a dimwit on the Storyboard

Firstly, I acknowledge that this first part is not canon by a long shot, and I may end up dropping it, or make an alternate esp for it, but there is a new mod out called "Xenn's Shadowscales" claiming to be lore-based, as far as lore based Argonian's born under the sign of the Shadow can be. But the creatures do look cool (Yes, I know.) And there is a comparison pic http://lh3.ggpht.com/_8cygzyeG3BY/SbHca2C6waI/AAAAAAAAATM/mnKyMttouA0/s800/ScreenShot%2026.JPG
Huleeya before, and after.
The idea is to make Huleeya a companion for the Nerevarine after he/she has completed the "Informants in Vivec" quest and joined the Morag Tong. Being that the character of Huleeya is the most interesting to me, a scholarly assassin who lives in bookstores, fiercely proud of his heritage, yet very interested in the very people whom have had so much conflict with his, and knowledgeable of the Nerevarine Prophecies would make an excellent companion.
I also make the argument that the Nerevarine needs a shield-thane like Nerevar had Alandro Sul. The 'witness' or something? Whatever. Thats what you guys are for.
Where you guys come in, is that I want Huleeya to have dialogue, (I plan on having a LOT of this, like, make Julan look like he's mute.) and conversations with the player, about how this reminds him of the story he read, what the meaning of this event is, really bring lore into a mod like never before.
I want to run everything through the lore-khan community for canonical accuracy, even though I want to make Huleeya a Shadowscale because I think it's cool.
If you would be interested in this, please let me know!
Thanks for reading!