I played skyrim last year, but got frustrated with problems related to bugs, so uninstalled it and moved onto other games such as the newest gta's.
I have just moved homes and came across my skyrim in its box and thought I would give it another try.
I love mods, they enhance the game greatly . First of all here is my computer specs.
intel i5-3570
ssd160 intel drive
8 gig corsair ddr3 ram.
I like mods that enhance the resolution, like the high resolution, both official and unoffical packs and the particle ?? mod that you can get which gives fog effects for example and pretty much anything that increases the realism of the overal game or enhances it.
When I last tried playing the game I was overwhelmed with the amount of fiddling around and general maintainance just to get the game working with mods. Seemed so much easier back when morrowind came out. Even though I ran boss and various other tools to check the load order and sort it accordingle aswell as apps to check for conflicts, during the course of my playing, I would come across random ctds'
Because they are random, it's very difficult to pinpoint which mod is causing the ctd' sometimes you can go 25 minutes without a ctd, other times they only occur in certain situations, such as going underwater. The tools I ran, claimed there was no conflicts and boss states everything was fine, so could never figure out why there was a problem.
I wanted to check with people that are experienced using mods and t hose tools and manage to play without ctds on a similar system to mine, what the correct procedure is for , install order, load order and how to check for conflicts etc' basically anything I have to do to minimise the possibility of conflicts or crashes. Simply play it until you encounter a problem and then uninstall the last mod you installed isn't realistic.