Understandable if no one knows how to fix this issue as I seem to be the only one on the planet who uses NifSkope for everything under the sun. Anyway, here's the deal: it occured to me that one could create perfect breathing effects in animations by morphing chest mesh vertices using NiGeomorphController like is done with heads for jaw and eyelid movement. So, lets go over what I have been able to do so far - applying the Geomorph block to a chest and have the chest vertices move on a timer. Check, works. Having the movement controlled by idle2 (or any idle) using textextradata. Check, works. Having the chest move in sync with other attached body parts by applying skin instance references. Bzzzzzzzt! doesn't work. Even after applying skin instance linkage using clothing meshes as a model (specifically RT's wifebeater looking shirt that allows a shirt and chest body mesh to move in perfect concert by placing on the left ankle and using skin instance - absolute genius), in-game the chest disconnects from the arms and groin when the NPC moves around. I think I'm missing something fundamental here - any help would be appreciated.