need help with rp in oblivion

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:15 pm

Ok I usually rp when I play tes games, but I believe I have hit a brick wall. My brain does not want to function.I have created a new toon hes a dunmer. Im going with the thief, assassin, smoot talker way. He wears light armor and will only use daggers and ahort swords. He spec in alch, wont be touching enchanting and the only spells he uses will be illusion and mystic for the calm, frenzy, see in the dark, and invisiblities spells, thats it. I got the bound dagger for just in case but also uses archery. Im still deciding if I will use the base resto spell they give ya at beginning. Hes a smart dude but physically on the normal side so basically not trying to massive atks and massive health, want to rely on my reflexes, smooth talking, and my smarts.

Can anyone help me with a backstory and motivation thru the game? Thought about treating argonians and khajits ljke crap but he is a smooth talker so dont know if can do that...problemly but anymore things u can think of what my charector and would not do, like what guilds to join and such. Problemly join the mages guide just for spells and info but I dont want him becoming grand master, dont know if he should do the fighters guide, but it doez seem like hes destined to be leader of the DB and tg. I dunno, brainfart, started up the game and trying to find a reason why hes doing all this stuff.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:08 pm

Maybe he's doing these things. killing important people, stealing certain items, smooth talking the ladies to find info about his relatives?
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:30 pm

U know what? THANK YOU! I started with ur suggestion and was toying and messing around with who or what im looking for and I finally came up with and came up with a story and motivation. Granted I didnt use ur idea but thinking on ur idea let me come up with what I had planned. Thank you, no sarcasm being real. So this is what I came up with.

Moriden was born raised in morrowind and had the priveldge of being borned into house h I forgot how its spelled, but anyways his parent died off when he was a young lad and then not leaving much of an inheretense at the youmg age of 9 he started out stealing food and itema to make it by and doing odd jobs for the House. Didnt take long before he knew how to lie with a straight face and haven Ben part of many plots due to him being a child and going unnoticed did he learn the about the polotics. It wasnt til in his teens the House saw potential in the child and started teaching the ways and manuvers of court, and even even how to handle a blade. It wasnt long after the boy showed great skill in the blade and sneaking, plus the fact that he had no emotional attachments was he directed to an old but prominet member of the house that taught him alchemy, on poisens, antodotes, and potions. while he started traing the lad in alchemy, the boy was still doing odd jobs and started doing odd jobs as repayment to the alchemist by taking care of loose ends, trying certain poisens on certain people and documenting the reactions, overall being a hitman for the gentlemen. After almost getting caught and badly wounded but still performing the kill, the gentleman showed him athe arcane arts. He taught the lad had yo see in the dark, to cloud the mind of people, and just an amateur way of healing, since the lad shouldnt need the resto if hes doing the job well. Well this went on for a few years and the alchemist was by then the boys only master, but was well liked by the other members because of the lads charm. Unfortuantly it was either old age senaile or maybe a potion went bad, whatever it was the alchemist started becoming paranoid to the point he became a recluse and the lad was the only one that he would let near him. It didnt take long for the alcheist to start thinking that the lad who so often he mads blend in and get close to a prey before it was killing time, thought the same was happenint to him. He soon thought of a way to get rid of the now a young advlt that was well liked by the House withouy
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:25 am

Glad to help. even if you didn't use my idea :P
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:33 am

It coming back on him. so he devised a plan and took the advlt to cryodil on a ttip to gather items for his tests and there had bribed some people in the empire to take care of the body. Unfortuantly it was a stroke of luck when they reached cryodil and bought a bed for the night, that the young advlt could not sleep so he was awake and saw his attacker. He lashed out and slew his attacker only to dind out it was the old man. The people he bribed came in and overtook the young man while he was confused on the betrayal of his master and was sent to prison for murder.
he is resentful of the House for nor getting him out and has cut ties with them and once he is freed, he plans to make a name and eventually either a house or his own organization.

Hows that? Any good or is there inconsistancies?

Also sry for double post.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:33 pm

It coming back on him. so he devised a plan and took the advlt to cryodil on a ttip to gather items for his tests and there had bribed some people in the empire to take care of the body. Unfortuantly it was a stroke of luck when they reached cryodil and bought a bed for the night, that the young advlt could not sleep so he was awake and saw his attacker. He lashed out and slew his attacker only to dind out it was the old man. The people he bribed came in and overtook the young man while he was confused on the betrayal of his master and was sent to prison for murder.
he is resentful of the House for nor getting him out and has cut ties with them and once he is freed, he plans to make a name and eventually either a house or his own organization.

Hows that? Any good or is there inconsistancies?

Also sry for double post.
That's really good.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:21 am

i think im gonna switch it up and not have him so asertive and have it to where he staying in cryodill for fear of going back to morrowind seeing how everyone problemly thinks he kill the House member in cold blodd, so hes staying in cryodil and gonna etch out a living.

but again thanks, u got that wall down and now i can go and actually play my toon and have fun now =]
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:47 am

i think im gonna switch it up and not have him so asertive and have it to where he staying in cryodill for fear of going back to morrowind seeing how everyone problemly thinks he kill the House member in cold blodd, so hes staying in cryodil and gonna etch out a living.

but again thanks, u got that wall down and now i can go and actually play my toon and have fun now =]
You're welcome. go have fun!
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:19 am

I see you got what you wanted for your character :smile: If you′d like some more ideas on how you could RP, check out Lot of good ideas there :yes:
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Bedford White
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:12 pm

Glad to see you made it through the initial RP hurdle of trying to fit the character to your wanted weapons, instead of the other way around.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:41 pm

Thanks yal, usually I stRt with something small and basically tried to mold it to whats in the game. Trying something different and this seems very doable.
Still working out a few kinks here and there, like if my charector is prideful seeing how he did get raise in the House but he didnt have money growing up, he basically earned what he had. Does he take on the prejedue of argonians and khajits like not helping or looking down on them. Well ill have him think hes better tahn them and look down on them, bit will he shop at stores that are owned by those, im thinking not. I dont think ill have him go the spoilt noble route, maybe the personalility of someone who was different than the norm bit appreciated the oppertu.itys that he was given, make him someone who relys pn luck and problemly someone close go nocturnal. Gah im still trying to figure put what guilds he should do. I know tg and DB, and prob the mages guild but wont finish the mg. ill get him yo a noce position, like make him a high rank in illusion and myst, but he wont be the grandmaster, he ll just be that weird highrank that people respect but dont know muxh about or trust. I dunno if l join the fighters guild or the arena, dont think it be up to par witj toons personality, BC it sure wont be up to his stats since hes not gonna be physically built, but someone might be able to give a good reason on why. Anyways thanks yal, gonna check out that link yal linked.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:33 am

Thanks yal, usually I stRt with something small and basically tried to mold it to whats in the game. Trying something different and this seems very doable.
Still working out a few kinks here and there, like if my charector is prideful seeing how he did get raise in the House but he didnt have money growing up, he basically earned what he had. Does he take on the prejedue of argonians and khajits like not helping or looking down on them. Well ill have him think hes better tahn them and look down on them, bit will he shop at stores that are owned by those, im thinking not. I dont think ill have him go the spoilt noble route, maybe the personalility of someone who was different than the norm bit appreciated the oppertu.itys that he was given, make him someone who relys pn luck and problemly someone close go nocturnal. Gah im still trying to figure put what guilds he should do. I know tg and DB, and prob the mages guild but wont finish the mg. ill get him yo a noce position, like make him a high rank in illusion and myst, but he wont be the grandmaster, he ll just be that weird highrank that people respect but dont know muxh about or trust. I dunno if l join the fighters guild or the arena, dont think it be up to par witj toons personality, BC it sure wont be up to his stats since hes not gonna be physically built, but someone might be able to give a good reason on why. Anyways thanks yal, gonna check out that link yal linked.
Maybe he joins the Arena to kill someone from the great house he was from?
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:39 am

I had forgot all about that. I thinmk even more reason for him not to do the questline because hes trying to keep low profile but also staying away from trying to make waves with his old house. Not to say it wouldnt work out with him on top, but sith him not having any personal grudges against tje house and fearful of their wrath til after he establishes his power, I think it wouldnt be profitable seeing how much work it would be if a war went on against the house, not much rewards to justify the amount of work and resourses.

Thank you for ur suggeation though, that was a very good reason to do it. Lol I feel bad becauze im cknstantly fine toning my charector, but thanksit was greatly appreciatex. Mmmm hehe I could use it after im established to use that escuse to test out my position if im to strong for a reatliation, an ego boost. Lol thanks!
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:45 pm

Welcome bro. Even if you don't use my ideas at least i helped you in one way or another :P
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:27 am

Nah I think Im gonna use ur idea later on in the game, like do arena up to that point and then let it be after that round. Like I foumd out they were in there and used the oppertunity to test my strenght as a figure of power and see if the house will retaliate. Like the sole purpose of doing the arena is to get to match, its brilliant thanks.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:59 pm

Nah I think Im gonna use ur idea later on in the game, like do arena up to that point and then let it be after that round. Like I foumd out they were in there and used the oppertunity to test my strenght as a figure of power and see if the house will retaliate. Like the sole purpose of doing the arena is to get to match, its brilliant thanks.
Thanks :D I posted a fanfic about the Arena in the time Skyrim takes place if your interested.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:48 am

will definetly check it out
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