Really, what's wrong with it is that when I DO summon them, originally they would be literally invisible, even if it reported their position on the X, Y, Z and axis as being right in front of me, or literally on me. I had to manually disable and then enable them so they would show up, and so I added that to my script.
Jasmine apparently works fine the first time, but after the first time, she stops re-appearing, and is just invisible, regardless of how many times I attempt to disable and enable her in console. In fact, when she's invisible, she can not be 'clicked on' in console to get a reference ID, as if she isn't there, yet I can bump into her, like an invisible wall, or transparent but solid ghostly object.
Same applies for Constance, except it doesn't even work the first time. I suppose this isn't needed since she has her own script (I anolyzed her teleportation script and that's how I came up with my own), but I'd like to be able to do it anyway, but I'll settle for just getting both Julan and Jasmine to work. Anyway, she too becomes a ghostly object that cannot be seen or referenced, yet touched and get in the way. Even using her teleportation scripts, which shows where she is since she casts a spell (basically a light enveloping the nothingness of where she is supposed to be), doesn't fix the problem. Other NPCs apparently acknowledge her presence as guards do tend to stop and stare at her (I would too if I saw an invisible object blocking my path).
Julan just does nothing when I attempt to use it... which confuses me... the reference/base ID is correct, as if it weren't, it would throw an error that the item wasn't found. Perhaps his script has something that prevents me from doing so? I don't know...
Anyway, the code is down below (since I can not post links to the pastebin). To clarify: It enables and disables because originally they wouldn't show up, even if their position was right on me, or next to me. The PositionCell to the Mage's Guild basically ensures that even if the NPC was inside an interior cell, it would break to an exterior cell, and then load to where you were, since apparently you cannot retrieve the Cell ID through any functions, so the X, Y, and Z axis are different for each independent cells, yet on the same grid outside/exterior cell.
I will gladly accept any hints or tips. I'm very new to scripting; in fact, I started last night... or last morning since I was up to early in the morning experimenting. Sorry if I make any obvious mistakes.
Begin summonCompanions short selectionshort controlVar if ( controlVar == 0 ) MessageBox "Which companion(s) do you wish to summon?", "Constance", "Jasmine", "Julan", "All" set controlVar to 1endif if ( controlVar == 1 ) set selection to GetButtonPressed if (selection == -1) return elseif (selection == 0) StartScript "summonConstance" set controlVar to 2 elseif (selection == 1) StartScript "summonJasmine" set controlVar to 2 elseif (selection == 2) StartScript "summonJulan" set controlVar to 2 elseif (selection == 3) StartScript "summonConstance" StartScript "summonJasmine" StartScript "summonJulan" set controlVar to 2 endifendif if ( controlVar == 2 ) set controlVar to 0 StopScript "summonCompanions"endif End summonCompanions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin summonConstance float posXfloat posYfloat posZ "aa_comp_constance"->PositionCell -715 -853 -760 0 "Balmora, Guild of Mages"set posX to ( Player->GetPos x )set posY to ( Player->GetPos y )set posZ to ( Player->GetPos z )"aa_comp_constance"->SetPos x, posX"aa_comp_constance"->SetPos y, posY"aa_comp_constance"->SetPos z, posZ"aa_comp_constance"->disable"aa_comp_constance"->enableStopScript "summonConstance" End summonConstance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin summonJasmine float posXfloat posYfloat posZ "JAC_Jasmine"->PositionCell -715 -853 -760 0 "Balmora, Guild of Mages"set posX to ( Player->GetPos x )set posY to ( Player->GetPos y )set posZ to ( Player->GetPos z )"JAC_Jasmine"->SetPos x, posX"JAC_Jasmine"->SetPos y, posY"JAC_Jasmine"->SetPos z, posZ"JAC_Jasmine"->disable"JAC_Jasmine"->enableStopScript "summonJasmine" End summonJasmine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin summonJulan float posXfloat posYfloat posZ "KS_Julan"->PositionCell -715 -853 -760 0 "Balmora, Guild of Mages"set posX to ( Player->GetPos x )set posY to ( Player->GetPos y )set posZ to ( Player->GetPos z )"KS_Julan"->SetPos x, posX"KS_Julan"->SetPos y, posY"KS_Julan"->SetPos z, posZ"KS_Julan"->disable"KS_Julan"->enableStopScript "summonJulan" End summonJulan
The code is combined all into one, although there are three individual scripts.
Thanks in advance!