Need help with Skill Training mod

Post » Fri May 29, 2015 10:09 pm

Alright, I have this idea for a mod, but having next to none experience with the CS or scripting I don't know how to do it. Maybe someone can help me out.

I would like to make a mod that makes trainers, especially master trainers, more important. Right now in my game I don't care much for the master trainers, as I usually have reached around 100 already when I get to them. Also, I find it strange that when reaching a new mastery level, the player automatically learns a new perk all by himself. So here is my idea: To advance to a new mastery level, a trainer is absolutely required, as the player can't improve this skill any more all by himself - he has learned all that his current mastery level allows him and to get better he needs someone to teach him.

So when the player reaches 24, 49, 74 and 99 in a skill, a message would be displayed that says "You have learned all you can about that skill with your current knowledge. You need a trainer to help you advance further." or something like that, and the skill won't increase any more until you have found a trainer and paid him to reach the next skill level and with it the next mastery level. Then it will be as if the character learned the new perk from the trainer. Of course, as trainers are in the vanilla game, you'd already need a master trainer to advance to 75, as all other trainers teach only up to level 70. Though I suppose this could easily be changed. Also, maybe basic trainers could be changed to teach up to level 50, so that it becomes easier to find a trainer for advancement. Also, there would probably have to be a way to easily find basic and advanced trainers.

But balancing thought aside, the question is how this could actually be achieved. I have looked up some scripting tutorials and I have a basic idea how it might be done, though I still lack the skill to actually do it. Basically I would need the script to check if a skill has reached 24, 49, 74 or 99 and if it finds one it should somehow stop this skill from advancing any further. As soon as the player would have used a trainer to increase it, skill progression should be resumed as before. So how complicated would this be? Would I have to make a script for each skill separately or is there a way to do this in one? Would you recommend any particular tutorials to me?

Thanks in advance, I hope it is not asked too much.

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