Need help with my Skyrim character's background.

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:48 am

Please help. I want to determine my character's exact birthdate, but I have the following conundrums. First, since he's a Suthay-raht Khajiit born under the Lady, there are only like one or two days possible, but I need help figuring it out because I want to count down the days/moon phases since the beginning of Oblivion.

What I do know is that he can only be born under the month of Heartfire due to his birthsign, the desired birth year is 4E 180, and Masser is New and Secunda is Waning.

What I need to know is, what is the date and moon phase when the Hero of Kvatch escapes from prison? From this, I should be able to pinpoint what day my skyrim character was born. :nerd:

If there is a nirn moon phase/date calculator out there, you could also post a link.

To answer the obvious questions, yes I'm that anol and yes I have no life. :P

Any help would be appreciated.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:59 am

I see your planning another Khajiit Character :o

i'll give some idea's if i can think of any.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:18 pm

I see your planning another Khajiit Character :o

i'll give some idea's if i can think of any.

Actually, it's the same one, I just don't know if the birthdate is correct. :sweat:
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:28 pm

Actually, it's the same one, I just don't know if the birthdate is correct. :sweat:

(Scroll down) :whisper:
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:02 am

(Scroll down) :whisper:

It helped before it was even posted, but I appreciate the gesture. That's where I learned what phase the moon had to be for a Suthay-raht Khajiit (the kind in Morrowind-Oblivion-Skyrim)

with knowledge of the starting date in Oblivion, the starting moon phase, and the rate at which the moon phases change, I can determine what day in Heartfire corresponds with the correct moon phase in my character's birthyear.
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matt white
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:32 pm

When you start a new game in Oblivion the day is 27th of Last Seed 3E 433. I think the moon phases in game are pretty fast and the starting one might be random, not sure about that though.
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how solid
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:20 pm

When you start a new game in Oblivion the day is 27th of Last Seed 3E 433.

Excellent. Thank you. Now I need the moon phase and the rate that the moon phases change.

I did a little research and came up with this, yet it still has to be confirmed (a really old cached link, thank you Google.) This is all quoted:

"Tamriel has two moons,Masser and Secunda. You can enable or disable them and set the phase length. Moons have 8 phases in Oblivion and the default phase length is 3 days. This results in a complete moon cycle of 24 days."

"In Daggerfall, a lunar cycle was 32 days (or maybe 24 or 27; don't remember exactly). Secunda's phase was always a few days behind Masser's.
In Morrowind, Masser took 24 days to fully cycle, while Secunda cycled 1.5x faster.
In Oblivion, both Masser and Secunda took 24 days to cycle, and their phases were in sync."

"Alright, let's use Morrowind's cycles, because that actually theoretically lets us get all of the Khajiit's forms. Daggerfall wouldn't let us have a Full/New combination and Oblivion's moons would make nothing but Senche, Cathay-Raht, Pahmar, and Dagi-Raht. Assuming that both moons spend the same percentage of their time waxing and waning that the RL moon does, we can figure out rates." (Note, from this current calculation, it is impossible for there to be Ohmes Khajiit and that Suthay-raht is actually rare, which kinda contradicts the lore.)

If someone could figure this out further, that's be awesome for all Khajiit fans.
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