I am trying to have a vertibird play the landing animation, sit there, then when scripted to do so, take off. I took the object MQ05VertibirdLandACT and made my own form so that I could put my own script on it. Now, I tweaked it to what I thought should work. I originally simply had in another script (controlling the timing of it all) MyvertiRef.Playgroup Forward 1, and it would land no problem, but when calling MyvertiRef.Playgroup Backward 1 it would not do anything. I looked at the original script (of the MQ05 one) and found it set it to play the idle and left anims at certain times. From that, I adapted my own scripts. It still however does not work. It lands and sits there just fine, but refuses to take off, via other script, or console.
This is the script on the vertibird.
scn PrometheusVertibirdLandSCRIPTShort DoOnceBegin GameMode If DoOnce == 1 If isAnimplaying forward == 0 set DoOnce to 2 playgroup left 0 EndIf EndifEnd
Then I have this portion on the other script controlling the timing of it all.
PrometheusVertibirdRef.PlayGroup Forward 0 Set PrometheusVertibirdRef.DoOnce to 1
I tried having the last script also say 'PrometheusVertibirdRef.PlayGroup Idle 0' to better imitate the original ONLoad block of the other script, but then it would not even land or appear or anything. Can anyone help me out or at least let me know if I am headed in the right direction with this?