1) Has Bethesda EVER manufactured an RPG that was completly " bug, glitch, or free of defects" from the time it/they were put on shelves for consumer purchase?
2) Once RPG games were released for consumer purchase, and from the time fans/ consumers informed Bethesda of " bugs, glitches, or other defects"; did/ has Bethesda make ALL the repairs to any of it's games/ software?
I ask these questions as I am, like most of us, an RPG addict. So no matter how bad the games are, I will buy the them. I am, however, tired of helping to make others rich, while I, in my own gaming way, suffer.
I want all these games, from Morrowind to the present, FULLY FUNCTIONING and REPAIRED. If anyone has a " defective" RPG from Bethesda, or any gaming manufacturer for that matter..... hold on to it, as the day will come when the dreaded word "Recall" will be on the lips of executives worldwide!! Well, at least in America anyway.
Please answer the above questions truthfully, and I hope you are are amused, from a legal point of view. Ha, Ha,!! Whew..... time to take my meds.