Hi guys - I've looked on the Nexus and used Google but I can only seem to find two, both of which have very very few downloads and lots of complaints about not working properly.
I want to install mods to make Skyrim more challenging WITHOUT using a total overhaul such as Requiem or SkyRe. I know I recommend SkyRe in my signature lol but that was like a year ago and for the bloody life of me I can't get it to install properly (it just keeps making my game crash) and I've had to reinstall Skyrim twice today because I just can't get it to work, so I've given up. I want to make Skyrim more challenging myself by adding lots of small mods.
I have Deadly Dragons/Monsters, I have a slower leveling mod, now I want a mod that makes potions feel less cheaty. In vanilla skyrim you could simply pause the game by bringing up the inventory and bring your health back to full by drinking 10 potions. I want a mod that makes them heal over time instead so that I have to drink one at a time and wait for them to work, however they mustn't be stackable. Drinking another before the timer runs out should have no effect at all or simply reset the timer again. If they stack then it actually makes them more powerful and cheaty than before =O.
Does anybody know of one that is well-known, has lots of downloads and isn't broken? Thanks in advance.