What, exactly, are you afraid my mod might conflict with?
That's the way it *should* work, and how my mod sets it up to work, but not how it works by default.
I don't know, that's the thing. I know some of my mods came with plug ins that were compatible with your mod, but I don't know which mods had that. I'll sort it out some day.
Yeah...that's what happens when I read 12 things at once...
You get your health etc back over time in the game anyway don't you? So getting it back by waiting (which is just an in game time skip) is what's supposed to happen. I don't think it's a *benefit* of resting per se, it's just that it takes you a lot less 'real time' to get your health back. In the absence of a mod, just don't use the 'wait' function and only sleep in a bed. Problem solved really.
Try taking damage then just standing around for say 12 in-game hours and see if your health, magica etc regenerate. I'm pretty sure they will.
Hmm, didn't know that. Always thought you restored your magicka and health either through potions or resting. Since there was always a rest until fully healed button, i figured you were actually resting. I would prefer it if you had to rest to restore your health and magicka, instead of just waiting.
EDIT: Okay, I just tested it. Waiting just restores your magicka and fatigue. Then you must actually do rest outside. Okay, BTB already confirmed it, lol.