We need more bootable and crap to throw

Post » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:24 pm

There is a really cool option in the game where you can kick a car 15 – 20 feet. Unfortunately no one uses it and it is nearly impossible to set some one up to kill them with it. This is not helped by the lack of places to do it since it is only available on a couple maps. It is a neat concept but unfortunately since you have almost no options it is a waste. It would add allot to the game if they added a few more items in more places that could be manipulated. Ideas like the following would add greatly to the game;

Pier 17 * Small boat in the open area / coffee machines I the coffee shop / trash cans and vending machine in the mall.

Light House * Blast shields and explosive tanks / barrels

Wall Street * Blast shields / Trash Cans / Mail Boxes

Evac / Liberty * Trash cans / Explosive barrels/ chemical tanks / Blast shields ~ add some

City Hall * Trash Cans / Blast shields / Mail boxes

Sky Line* Propane tanks / Workout equipment / vent caps

Parking Deck* Explosive barrels / Air conditioning unit that could be kicked or thrown to the ground below

Impact* Computers Screens / Trash cans / Vending machines

Downed Bird* more cars / trash cans / Mail boxes / Vending machines

Sanctuary* Metal fencing ~ pulled up from the ground and thrown / couple small cars in streets / Trash cans / Graves that can be picked up or kicked and chunks can fly at opponent

Just a couple thoughts

Painbringer 71

P.S. has anyone killed any one with a power kicked car? What Happens? Do you get points? ?
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:36 pm

yes i kill people with it a few times and get killed by it too, you get road rage point (150?), or thats what it called i think.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:27 pm

Im rank 29 on the first reboot and ive gotten three car kills and ZERO slide kills. There are Nanosuit Reboot challenges to get 150 for both of these and thats only level 1..

Maybe they will add a map via DLC thats based in a junkyard and there are cars everywhere.
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Hilm Music
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Post » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:40 pm

Car kills are something u need to actively try for, like air stomp kills.
Also slide kills are easy if u run with the marshal.

PS. Anyone thing the Push RS to kick is stupidly difficult to ffind? its like u have to look at the car from a certain angle to keep it happy.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:41 pm

i am rank 47 but have not rebooted and i get a car kill nearly everygame on parking deck
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Post » Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:51 am

I have killed about 9 people with it. Few of those 9 were double kills. Its simple really. Just sit behind the car cloaked. Wait for enemy to show themselves. Make sure your croached. Unlcloak and press V or whatever your key is. If you crouch chances are they wont see you uncloack, only when you standing up to kick the car. Then BAM... too late.
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Max Van Morrison
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