Greetings. In short I'm in need of enlarged Vvanderfell. In long, I wanted to play around with bigger version of Vvanderfell. Wanted to make overhauls, that is completely redesign some towns but realized I don't have enough space for what I want to do (Balmora and Vivec being prime examples), so I figured "hey, I could make the whole thing bigger and everything would fit". Tried to use program some time ago but that failed badly. Frankly, I'm not sure I completely understand how to use the program since I svck at learning and using computer programs, but all my attempts to edit the grayscaled image and import it back in resulted in errors. (I edited the picture in a very simple tool called PhotoFiltre, maybe that removed that heightmap data thingy or something?)
So if someone has an already made grayscaled image ready for import, knows where to get one or is willing to make me one I'd really appreciate it.